Example sentences of "[vb pp] [noun] if [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 [ He says ] moreover that the testator 's intention , which is particularly important in trusts , supports this opinion , and that the testator would not , after this preamble , have added objects if he had wanted only cash to be paid .
2 As she stared into her bemused eyes , he slowly smiled , and in that moment she would have committed murder if he 'd asked her to .
3 We 'd have mixed appetites if you 'd given it any thought .
4 I would have committed suicide if I could , but I was too scared .
5 He told a Westminster press gallery lunch that the problem was not the properly prepared Queen 's Speech programme of bills , but the demand for instant legislation following a serious event , with ministers being deemed failures if they did not promise a new bill .
6 What the ad does n't mention , either , is that cells which contains traces of blood are naturally excreted in the faeces and in some babies the amount of cells that are shed increases if they are fed cow 's milk — but still not enough to worry about .
7 He could have attacked others if he had n't been caught .
8 Assets are frozen , you ca n't get your hands on them on the whole until you 've got your grant of probate or you 've made declarations if it 's a small will .
9 It was dark and the lamps were lit and they might not have seen Sesostris if he had not had to step aside to avoid a porter with a heavy bundle on his back and stand for a moment in the light from a shop front .
10 We 'll pay anything from £25 for a small utility , to £800 for a fully featured program if we include it on our disk .
11 Buy organically grown food if you can , but do not fret if you can not ( which will only cause stress ) .
12 Applicants can only be given credits if they already fulfil the entry requirements for the programme of study and must be able to supply proof of qualifications or prior learning attainment which they are submitting in support of credit application claims .
13 The mount for the .50 calibre machine-gun was still on the vehicle but the malais had found a use for the Browning elsewhere , I think because they also used the jeep to drive foreign journos around and it would have vitiated the claims to have pacified Danu if they 'd left it on .
14 James Hetfield : Got saliva if you want it
15 The Minister said that British consumers would not want to buy inhumanely produced veal if they had the choice .
16 Ahm well I have had uh yeah I mean I have had people if I 'd really wanted to but I mean we 've had baby sitters and things like that .
17 They were promised £40,000 if they won the tournament .
18 Yeah but , she said they do n't da , the they bite you and it 's got poison if you 're not careful !
19 The Empire likewise needed organization if it were to survive .
20 What is the point of having armed escorts if they wo n't shoot ?
21 and he did say they would have helped Terry if he did n't have all of
22 And I , I personally believe that , I personally believe that Colin has got ability if we exploit it .
23 You say that I need to discuss copy when I 've got there if you 've got copy if they 've had full colour before then they will have bromides and separations and things like
24 Yeah it is n't the first correct one out , they 've all got shout if you like .
25 Er we 're not seeking a er a side based initiative if you like as such , although that might come later .
26 Optical isomers are sometimes called inentiamorse if you have trouble with language then we 'll call them inantipas if you 're a biologist you call them optical isomers .
27 Mr Ross can have locked rooms if he wants them . ’
28 It would have done nothing for her already damaged ego if he had barged his way into her bedroom , only to find himself having to wade through a torrent of tears .
29 Katherine Colgrave 's lawyers claim she only discovered in 1984 that she may have escaped disability if she 'd been correctly diagnosed and treated soon after birth .
30 He then wore it daily for years and , on occasion , nearly sacked people if it was temporarily mislaid .
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