Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 During the visit the Vietnamese delegation reportedly received economic advice from a group of Malaysian , Indonesian and South Korean officials .
2 If specific information about pupils ' ability , eligibility for free school meals , any disabilities etc. is required , then a painstaking search is undertaken each time for the particular piece of information required .
3 Max has to establish a relationship with the soldiers : ‘ He had quite early realised that part of their life depended on their being left to do things by themselves and not being interfered with .
4 Strange , Gina thought , how much their two countries had in common and how little she had realised that element of kinship before .
5 There is one long pointed apical papilla with 2–3 oral papillae on each side of the jaw .
6 By this time the newspapers had lost interest , and the route that Mr Wolski had carefully traced each day on his atlas on the basis of news reports ended near Galashiels in the Southern Uplands of Scotland , where a British Trust for Ornithology report gave a good account of a ‘ vagrant ’ juvenile eagle being seen feeding .
7 In its last meeting , however , the UKCC considered its analysis of responses in a private session , announcing afterwards that the proposals had been adopted as council policy , and that the consultation had received complete support from the profession .
8 In spite of this , we are left with perhaps one in five who appear to have made sensible revisions of their choice , given total cost of credit and/or APR information .
9 At one extreme , the editors could be given total licence to film anything they liked and to show the House in their own way ( as when covering a football match , or as in some American state legislatures where camera and microphone men are even allowed to wander around on the floor of the House ) .
10 Many UK libraries provide a subject index linking alphabetically arranged descriptive headings to classification codes .
11 His arrest was part of a longstanding FBI investigation ; four of the charges on which he was indicted dated back to December 1988 when he had been discovered by police in a hotel room with a convicted drug dealer , Charles Lewis .
12 If the birds or Australia had not received that degree of attention from the scientific ornithologist which their interest demanded ’ , he wrote in his preface to Mammals of Australia , ‘ I can assert , without fear of contradiction , that its highly curious and interesting Mammals have been still less investigated .
13 The terms of the Soviet plan , now made public , were that ( i ) Iraq would make a full and unconditional withdrawal from Kuwait ; ( ii ) the withdrawal would start on the second day after hostilities ceased ; ( iii ) Iraqi forces would depart according to a fixed timetable ; ( iv ) after two-thirds of Iraqi forces had withdrawn economic sanctions against Iraq would be lifted ; ( v ) after all Iraqi forces had left all UN Security Council resolutions against Iraq would lapse ; ( vi ) all prisoners of war would be released when the ceasefire became effective ; ( vii ) the troop withdrawal would be monitored by forces from countries not involved in the conflict , under direction of the UN Security Council ; and ( viii ) work on details and specifics would continue and would be presented on Feb. 22 to Security Council members .
14 The night before , Cati had fallen asleep sitting with her mother and Rosa on the balcony in the cool of the evening ; when her mother had given her a gentle push to rouse her ; she found her slightly feverish and put her to bed .
15 She had fallen asleep sitting before the fire and she was stiff , her joints aching .
16 The museum already has a comprehensive library donated as a bequest from Paul Maenz , the former Cologne gallery owner , and has been given fifty-five works of art by a West German group of industrialists .
17 Also present , and hoping to apply for membership in due course , were representatives from the Shoreham Aviation Heritage Trust , who have been given 75 acres of land at historic Shoreham Airport to develop into a museum .
18 Besides , the magazine reported that almost unbelievably , the government had stopped advance copies of scientific annual reports being issued to weekly journals because London 's evening newspaper , The Standard , had printed ( heinous ! dastardly ! ) details of awards to Falkland troops as much as 12 hours before they were officially released .
19 ‘ Basically I 'm paid a salary and given complete control over training his horses .
20 It suggested that some polytechnics and colleges should be given complete autonomy by the Secretary of State to validate their own courses ; others should be allowed more limited autonomy , in specific areas ; while in yet others external validation should remain .
21 According to a simple version of the adaptive expectations hypothesis , the expected rate of inflation is revised each period by adding on some proportion ( say , w ) of the observed error in the previous period , where w lies between zero and one .
22 We have heard extensive submissions in this court from Miss Mary Arden ( who did not appear in the court below ) on behalf of the appellant .
23 The six countries had already agreed on Feb. 25 to disband the Pact as a military alliance [ see pp. 38026-27 ] after the Pact and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO ) declared in November 1990 that they no longer regarded each other as enemies .
24 She and this animal treated each other with mutual contempt , like an old unhappily married couple , and I always thought that the only reason he did n't bite her or she have him put down was that they disliked the rest of the world even more than each other and would have been even more miserable and lonely than they were in their trap of hostility .
25 Since that afternoon two days ago they 'd treated each other with a cool formality , a style initiated by Roman on the return trip from the Blue Grotto , when he 'd seemed to withdraw into a kind of amused reserve , as if he 'd tested her out in some way and now lost interest in the original conquest .
26 The two species treated each other with the distant friendliness of creatures who could , at a pinch , eat one another but had decided not to .
27 The National People 's Assembly had legalized political parties on March 26 .
28 But like many other nations we have been deeply concerned by the violence in the Baltics , and we have communicated that concern to the Soviet leadership .
29 If he is a friend , he has not communicated that fact to any member of the inspectorate .
30 My postbag is the proof that a season 's secrecy — until Lamb forced some overdue action — has exposed professional cricket to the public as a game prepared to condone or cover-up cheating .
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