Example sentences of "[vb pp] [verb] [v-ing] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It was a bulky volume to carry around and my RAF friends used to rib me about my " vest pocket edition " , but I had resolved to keep reading it in spare moments to remind me of my real life .
2 Dear Prime Minister , In spite of the most helpful representations and advice from my staff , I have decided to continue submitting my reports to you in the informal way I settled upon initially … ’
3 I have decided to continue submitting my reports to you in the informal way I settled upon initially …
4 So instead of waiting indefinitely for a buyer , they have decided to try selling their house by auction .
5 They would appear from time to time and taunt the old couple , reminding them of their past lives and the failures or mistakes which had brought them to the castle ( though never detailing them — neither Quiss nor Ajayi knew what the other had done to justify sending them here .
6 Big Mel Blyth joined the Palace from Scunthorpe in the summer of 1968 as a wing half-back , but a case could easily be made to justify dubbing him as Manager Bert Head 's most important signing , for Mel developed into a magnificent back-four man , where his stature of 6ft 1 inch and nearly 12 stones made him a natural central defender .
7 I was wondering if we ought to find out who 's decided to start using it again , and whether they really checked , I have been told they check on the source , but it 's like we 're slipping back gradually , and I thought if we said , if we pledged that we 're going to boycott timber , we should really keep to it unless we make a decision
8 Digital Equipment Corp has reportedly decided to delay putting its sales force on commission until July .
9 By the time we had crossed two more we had decided to stop drying our feet and re-booting after each one , and set off across the bogs in bare feet .
10 Susan suspected her quarry had decided to stop wearing his own face for a while , so he could deal with his guests .
11 It was decided to stop using them because the stress of the three hundred and sixty-degree swing made the whole spire shake .
12 The last time I 'd been there I nearly got caught bunking my fare .
13 It 's the way that she kind of like answers before you 've really got done finishing what you 're saying .
14 He was nobody 's fool , but Fowler had been told to avoid scaring him .
15 This occurred in those cases of sex murder where the supposed infidelity of the woman was the excuse the man used to justify killing his former wife or lover .
16 or where they change half way down , so you have n't got to keep taking your glasses on and off
17 ‘ There are people out there who think the policy wrong , ’ I thought , ‘ we 've just got to keep repeating ourselves until enough people change their minds . ’
18 Now , as the bloke said there , the only way you can do that with people coming in from the outside is that British Gas have got to keep pushing their prices up to make it worthwhile for somebody else to come in .
19 No er well well if he 's got any sense I I always tell the advertiser I said now the adv I said you as the advertiser have got to keep worrying you may have to chivvy them up .
20 But you 've got to , still come , you 've got to get the hoop up , and then once the hoop 's up you 've got to keep knocking it around .
21 and you 've got to keep trimming it and all to keep it nice and , and chic , no I , I think like
22 I 'm getting into the right positions , but I 've got to start finishing them off . ’
23 ‘ As individuals , the batsmen have all made at least one score , but we have got to start putting it together as a team . ’
24 She had been trained to hunt and then not used , so I 've had to start training her again .
25 He pays tribute to his treatment at Gartree prison , he apologises to the bomb victims ' families that they have had to keep reminding them of their loss : ‘ But we had to fight for our freedom . ’
26 Well we 've got to finish sorting it out Chris cos there 's still too much stuff for once it 's
27 The Government has had to stop indexing their pensions for some years now .
28 ‘ So then he 's got to stop doing it !
29 I just do n't think the amount of letters we 've received justifies giving it more air time . ’
30 In the absence of any significant movement on the Western Front people were bound to start asking what their sacrifices were for , and whether , if military victory was unattainable , some other way of stopping the slaughter should be found .
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