Example sentences of "[vb pp] [verb] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 So a big change in the way that we are arranged has actually come about through the general management structure , and we 're hoping that this will give us more room , if you like to start looking at priorities , and to move the budget around in accordance with our feelings about those priorities .
2 Three point one okay so this is where the model , in effect what we 've done which is a very crude way , right , of erm incorporating exogamous influences , right , we have n't said tha that the war is going to affect the income or price elasticity what we did do , right , all that we 're doing is that we 're allowing the intercept of our model to change , right , now as a result , we 've got , we can prove the st the statistical significance of all the variables in our model , right , the co the actual coefficients that we 've estimated have changed quite significant , particularly in the er the incoming elasticity , right , the incoming elasticity was less than one , right , and insignificance before was now greater than one and height of R squared has also increased dramatically our measure of explanatory power .
3 Congress , our laws are weakened at the Tories request , and recent announcements that the public funding of trade union education is to be stopped has even brought a c cry of outrage from the Health and Safety Executive .
4 The publicity his ideas have attracted has only deepened the tragedy : the bad influence of those he has himself influenced has added frivolity to the obscurity …
5 The effect is exaggerated to indicate heavy handed disapproval .
6 In conclusion , while it is possible to modify or displace the firm 's fiduciary duties if the customer 's informed consent is obtained , the uncertainty surrounding what must be disclosed to obtain sufficiently informed consent , and the practical problems encountered in making adequate disclosure , for example in predicting in advance all possible conflicts , means that disclosure and consent is not a completely reliable mens of varying fiduciary duties .
7 These measures will show the distance at which the child with defective vision can be expected to discriminate visually presented material .
8 The Series 6800 is claimed to deliver overall estimated performance of 65.6 SPECfp92 , 36.1 SPECint92 and 67.2 SPECmark89 , while the Series 2700 and 6700 deliver overall performance of 35.8 SPECfp92 , 24.5 SPECint92 and 40.1 SPECmark89 .
9 MI5 claimed to have carefully investigated each of the stories and told the inquiry that no evidence to support them was ever found .
10 On the other hand , the jury can be asked to take the plaintiff 's own conduct into account in reducing damages — if he has taken steps to refute the allegations publicly , or has been cleared of them after a publicised enquiry , or has obtained retractions and damages from other publications , his wounds may be considered to have partially healed .
11 After four years of discussion , the European Commission 's Open Microsystems Initiative is reported to have finally set out on its five year mission to develop next generation microprocessor and software technology , which will utilise both new and existing architectures .
12 The congress was reported to have unanimously endorsed proposals to ( i ) establish a multiparty system in the country which also guaranteed respect for human rights , freedoms and democracy ; ( ii ) replace centralized economic planning by a " state controlled market economy " based on diverse forms of ownership in order to stimulate basic industrial development and modernize agricultural production ; ( iii ) reform taxes ; ( iv ) create new welfare benefits and increase wages and pensions during the next five-year-plan period of 1991-95 ; and ( v ) pursue an independent non-aligned foreign policy .
13 By the end of May some 45,000 civilian refugees were reported to have recently travelled from Sudan to Kenya , including a group of 12,500 boys who were either orphaned or separated from their families .
14 Kitingan , 43 , who held no official position , was reported to have recently acquired influence among youth groups in the state .
15 An " armed strike " decreed by Sendero Luminoso in Lima on March 28 was reported to have seriously disrupted public transport .
16 He also called on Israel to freeze its policy of building settlements in the occupied territories ( the USA was reported to have subsequently theatened Israel with financial penalties if it failed to halt its settlement activity — see pp. 38310 ; 38359 ) .
17 Only one other US species , the American alligator , has previously been deemed to have fully recovered under the terms of the act .
18 In 1743 , for example , when a number of the friends of Lord Panmure solicited his intervention in support of the candidacy of James Milne for the collectorship of Angus , Panmure was provided with a marked list of commissioners of supply , with those whom Panmure and his brother might be expected to influence carefully pointed out for personal solicitation .
19 Dogs and Pushchairs Must Be Carried had always puzzled him .
20 Given Minerva 's comments I hope this is the last we will see of this particular advertisement , but in future may I suggest advertisements are refereed and that manufacturers should be permitted to quote only published material and not their own files as references ?
21 Submersible pumps are designed to operate completely submerged in the pool and are silent and safe to operate .
22 Still , the sums being disbursed have clearly helped many and the Government hopes to extend the lending ceiling in coming years .
23 The findings have tended to support the view that the police are held in relatively high esteem , although those polled have invariably had little or no contact with the police in any capacity .
24 In addition , the vacant dwellings initiative , which provides £15 million of public money , topped up by £17 million of private investment , is designed to bring privately owned empty properties back into use .
25 Many of New York 's bridges are made using inadequately reinforced concrete .
26 ‘ In the same way as a working person and a taxpayer makes a specific contribution to the upkeep of the national health system , so could a specific premium or tax be levied to support publicly funded legal services , ’ he said .
27 In this way cross-reference can be made to work already done at Key Stage 1 .
28 Although not exactly stuck for words , nothing that he has said has yet entered the language .
29 Roads built to reach newly founded Roman colonies and to transport armies by-passed long-established cultural centres , leaving them to decay .
30 It is not ground for objection that the information sought will be inadmissible at the trial if the information sought appears reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence .
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