Example sentences of "[vb past] made some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd made some plans for Rainbow 's next tte — tte , scripted some frank revelations , an impassioned plea …
2 We 'd just feel happier if we 'd thought you 'd made some provisions for the future . ’
3 I 'd made some mistakes and as far as he was concerned the pottery could have been another .
4 Despite the shock she had received , she could see that what Oswin said made some kind of sense .
5 The children themselves appeared , and after a second summer spent playing at the M's farm , and becoming ‘ socialised ’ by contact with that family , it seemed they had made some progress .
6 By late afternoon the FT-SE 100 had made some progress and closed 26.2 up at 2732.4 , with news of the GATT deal coming after the end of trading .
7 The districts were chosen because they had made some progress in care programming .
8 Economic statistics indicated that the government had made some progress in its diversification plans .
9 Of the teachers we spoke to , two-fifths reported that they had rearranged their furniture , and well over nine-tenths of them had made some kind of change to their classrooms as a direct consequence of suggestions or recommendations made to them as part of the Primary Needs Programme .
10 Perhaps , though , he might stroll out in the direction of the church hall , to see if people were coming out , then he would feel that he had made some kind of an effort .
11 Mr Laurie Mulrine , Darlington 's head of development control , said the car parking congestion around County Durham 's principal hospital had made some roads a deathtrap for pedestrians .
12 Before a prayer had formed itself , a young brown hand covered mine and I looked round to see the turbaned head of the Youngest Son , his face half covered by his head-scarf , his eyes laughing , his whole figure straight against the storm as though he and it had made some truce .
13 Although she had made some photocopies to study later , it was possible that Adam might be able to clear the matter up in a few moments .
14 But he believed that MacDonald had made some soundings in a coalition direction , and in a speech at Hull on 19 July he went out of his way to reject ‘ the idea that a national government such as existed during the war should be set up in the present difficulties ’ .
15 None of this suggested that the English would go forward to build up the most wide-ranging empire that the world had ever seen , and even if Hakluyt had added that the English had made some attempts to settle in North America and had organized themselves for trade in the East Indies he would not have much altered the case .
16 Her mother had made some scones and pies in her afternoon leisure and picked some flowers in case the child came back in need of cheering up , so they ate some supper and then went out to the headland .
17 In that time I had made some friends , gained much self-confidence , and finally lost my hatred of the Reeds .
18 When people thought that the difficulty had been the credit firm 's fault , about half said that the company had made some mistake — such as claiming that arrears were owed , when in fact payments were up to date ; about half said they had been refused some type of credit which they had applied for .
19 The parents of these five children had made some effort to give the children pride in racial background .
20 Windows was pre-installed and Western Systems had made some effort to configure it — the permanent swap file was installed ; a minor chore that 's commonly overlooked .
21 Mrs Diggory had made some effort , and the little room was at least warm from a small fire in the grate , and there was a down coverlet on the narrow cot bed .
22 She had made some preparations for their dinner but she did n't object to going out .
23 The great office blocks of the 1890s had taken over that role , and the office-block stations had made some attempt to match them .
24 One in five appellants had made some attempt to obtain advice prior to the hearing , but only one in eight appellants is represented by an expert , as distinct from being accompanied by another member of the family or a friend without expert knowledge .
25 In 1755 Rousseau 's discovery of the noble savage had made some men think twice before dismissing the barbaric out of hand , and Milton 's ‘ arched walks of twilight groves ’ were thought to resemble the aspiring arches of the Gothic church .
26 The gangling , boyish 28-year-old Canadian actor had made some impression as an innocent in The Flim Flam Man ( 1967 ) and as a Malibu beach bum in The Sweet Ride ( 1968 ) , and seemed to have promise .
27 He had remembered having seen , that first day , some goats grazing further on down the river bank , had made some inquiries and discovered that they were taken down on to the river bed every morning by a boy who acted as herd .
28 She would open them after she had made some coffee .
29 Whether it was to share his moment of regret at the passing of time , or to express disillusion with Parkin himself — she had made some comment in the car about how he was one of the few television reporters she knew and respected — Dexter did not know .
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