Example sentences of "[vb past] made a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We were all aware we 'd made a total cock-up .
2 Michael , when he was at s When he was at school , he won a scholarship to university , when he got to the university he said as if he 'd made a great discovery .
3 She 'd made a helpless gesture with one beautifully manicured hand .
4 ‘ At first I was prepared to think you 'd made a genuine mistake — that you 'd got the wrong boat . ’
5 But then why would Mao in nineteen forty five say that how that they 'd made a major concession to land to the tiller but that this is a correct one and they 're going to , that land reform has to be taken in stages and they 're going to first of all reduce rent and , I mean er
6 It was a movement she 'd made a million times before , yet as soon as her fingers came into contact with his thick , silky hair she felt a jolt as though an electric current had shot right through her , making her start back in surprise .
7 In fact , he 'd made a real scene about it yesterday .
8 The one with the fine stripes looked slightly flashier , but he 'd made a better ironing job of the plain one .
9 I remember before that the wind changed pretty suddenly from southwest to nearer west I think and I 'd made a new hen house I thought indestructible .
10 He 'd made a regular spaghetti junction of his potato .
11 So you 'd made a verbal contract over the phone with a lady who you found living on the premises so you had every right to believe that she owned the furniture .
12 The Judge said they 'd made a strong case about how they 'd be affected by noise from the road .
13 The Judge said they 'd made a strong case about how they 'd be affected by noise from the road .
14 He 'd made a super little dart across the line of Forest defenders .
15 She was feeling as if she 'd made a long , exhausting hike instead of just the kilometre or so that she 'd actually walked , but it was n't a bad feeling .
16 He 'd made a good start but now he was faltering , and the focus of attention was drifting slowly away from him .
17 She 'd made a funny face .
18 At first it looked as though I 'd made a big mistake .
19 Of course , she 'd made a big fuss about not having a Brownie ‘ Nuform ’ , but she calmed down when Mum let her wear her new blue party dress .
20 Did he imagine she 'd made a special attempt to impress him ?
21 ‘ Stella said you 'd made a huge difference to the place . ’
22 Ablett argued furiously with referee Ken Redfern that he 'd made a clean challenge on the inspirational McAllister .
23 The BBC told him he 'd made a promising start .
24 After he 'd made a quick and fairly superficial examination I locked the door .
25 But by the end of our first year in Cornwall she 'd made a few friends and I was n't being bullied so much , so life became a little easier .
26 His name was Roger , and he 'd made a few stabs at conversation in the course of the night .
27 She 'd made an absolute fool of herself .
28 He 'd made an unusual mistake in not locking the larder .
29 On the day I left Woodline you knew that I 'd made an enormous mistake , yet you — ’
30 But the fact remains that Wolf and the tendency Wolf represented made an inward-looking discipline possible and , ultimately , respectable .
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