Example sentences of "[vb past] them in their " in BNC.

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1 She greeted their neighbours absentmindedly as she passed them in their yards , her mind occupied with the new argument against the shoes .
2 Only two of the sixteen believers in the Bible accounts agreed that spirits could visit us during dreams although it is crucial to the sense of these accounts that God did make Himself known to individuals during dreams , and actually visited them in their dreams .
3 Besides , the Jews inspected the stars by night , turned their eyes towards them and invoked them in their prayers .
4 It was conceivable that , as the area chairmen feared , higher prices in domestic tariffs would not only have discouraged undesirable loads such as peak space heating , but also the ones such as water heating and cooking which helped them in their overall commercial strategy and were largely off-peak .
5 It is thought that the Christians of the early Church valued such phrases which had been spoken by Jesus and used them in their original Aramaic form .
6 Such countries were allowed to buy non-military materials , provided that they paid cash for them and transported them in their own ships ( the " cash and carry laws " ) .
7 As they sat there someone came up and , as was not unusual , joined them in their conversation .
8 You know in a way South Wales is paying back the debt that we pa w w we paid them in their strike you know I mean and That 's communities helping communities and if really this management is talking about er the fact that they resent families not having to go without over Christmas and this sort of thing you know I mean where are their values you know it 's difficult to understand is n't it ?
9 They placed them in their bedroom , together with a vase of flowers .
10 I allowed a couple of hours for this to mix with the original water then netted the goldfish and placed them in their new environment .
11 Ian Kennedy in ‘ The Check-out ’ discusses with the doctors involved and also the wife of the patient the principles that guided them in their actions .
12 For now , our thanks are due to all the members of the quality improvement teams , their leaders and all who assisted them in their goal of improving the quality of the way we conduct our business .
13 They collected the nests in the forest and kept them in their gardens .
14 Hincmar puts in a significant phrase when he says that the minores who " confirmed " assembly-decisions did so " not because they were forced to do so , but because they understood them in their own minds and agreed with them " .
15 Appointees have to fill in monstrous forms providing full details of their financial affairs , listing all their jobs , addresses and trips abroad in the past 15 years , and supplying the names of at least one person who knew them in their various abodes .
16 Henry continued to place the puppets in folds of Christmas paper and lay them in their boxes as he said , ‘ It 'll be like last year ; the Lord of the Manor will have bought her so much that everybody else 's presents will be eclipsed . ’
17 Over at Robinsgrove , finding no water to hose down the ponies , Perdita put them in their boxes and , having given them their hay nets and filled up the water buckets from the water trough , raced off to Dancer 's for a swim .
18 So the parents bought them in their cars and they come round with them .
19 Yet the citizens clung to their traditional way of life out of custom and love of their cities ; and for the very practical advantage it gave them in their favourite pastime of warfare against their neighbours .
20 What is emphasized in their case is something very different : the support which their political constitution and generally speaking their customs and habits gave them in their drive towards world-rule .
21 I washed them , then dressed them in their best clothes , but never new ones .
22 I certainly preferred them in their stamping days . ’
23 This the earls refused to do , so the king replaced them in their offices with Geoffrey de Geneville and Thomas de Berkeley respectively .
24 And for those insular fans who shunned them in their thousands at Old Trafford and Elland Road , a sense of guilt would not be inappropriate .
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