Example sentences of "[vb past] them in [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 He gave them some thought , then extracted two and stowed them in his hip pocket .
2 Alexandra read the paragraphs through carefully several times , then cut them out and laid them in her desk with his two letters .
3 I divested myself of all my own French honours and laid them in my elder son 's lap on condition he should be content to be French , as I had discovered I was English .
4 They had come to see the show and my guilt for neglecting them afterwards was eased by Pam and Kath , also at the show this evening , who entertained them in my absence .
5 She greeted their neighbours absentmindedly as she passed them in their yards , her mind occupied with the new argument against the shoes .
6 Only two of the sixteen believers in the Bible accounts agreed that spirits could visit us during dreams although it is crucial to the sense of these accounts that God did make Himself known to individuals during dreams , and actually visited them in their dreams .
7 Besides , the Jews inspected the stars by night , turned their eyes towards them and invoked them in their prayers .
8 In example 4 , she involved them in her use of a book for instruction , and asks for their suggestions to solve her ‘ problems ’ .
9 He picked up the dry droppings and crumbled them in his hand .
10 I found them in my room .
11 It was conceivable that , as the area chairmen feared , higher prices in domestic tariffs would not only have discouraged undesirable loads such as peak space heating , but also the ones such as water heating and cooking which helped them in their overall commercial strategy and were largely off-peak .
12 It is thought that the Christians of the early Church valued such phrases which had been spoken by Jesus and used them in their original Aramaic form .
13 To hasten this process , Bakewell rented out his bulls so that their performance was proven elsewhere before he used them in his own herd .
14 Also , the process of writing often brings fresh insights to mind , and helps to ground them in your everyday life — as anyone who keeps a dream diary will know .
15 Biddy brought some tapes of circus-sounding music and Uncle Bean played them in his car , and Spot stood up on his hindlegs and Jazz fell off more heavily than ever he had at a jump .
16 Such countries were allowed to buy non-military materials , provided that they paid cash for them and transported them in their own ships ( the " cash and carry laws " ) .
17 Branson interviewed them in his hotel room , to see if they wanted a deal .
18 Feeling drugged , and wanton , she touched her fingers to his nape , his ears , tangled them in his thick hair , felt his soft sigh as his breath mingled with hers — and still he continued to kiss her .
19 She took the two halves of the letter away , tore them in fragments , and burned them in her grate .
20 In fact , I noted them in my diary only a few hours afterwards . ’
21 She hid them in our quarters , thinking they might be of use to the party , but Devraux found them and she was taken to prison .
22 As they sat there someone came up and , as was not unusual , joined them in their conversation .
23 You know in a way South Wales is paying back the debt that we pa w w we paid them in their strike you know I mean and That 's communities helping communities and if really this management is talking about er the fact that they resent families not having to go without over Christmas and this sort of thing you know I mean where are their values you know it 's difficult to understand is n't it ?
24 He was glad that he did n't throw out the Christmas cards from his son and daughter in 1987 , for every year since he had taken them out of the suitcase on top of the wardrobe and displayed them in his own room as if they had come in with the morning post .
25 Mum was pleased as punch when she found that Mary had bought us new clothes , but she was not so pleased when Mary told her she could n't see them until the day of the wedding and took them straight up and locked them in her trunk .
26 Gathering up the last of the cuttings , she locked them in her briefcase , then looked round , too restless and on edge to relax .
27 They placed them in their bedroom , together with a vase of flowers .
28 I allowed a couple of hours for this to mix with the original water then netted the goldfish and placed them in their new environment .
29 I obtained five small imported specimens of about 1½″ and placed them in my fish room in a prepared 18″ × 12″ × 12″ tank , leaving them to settle .
30 On the day on which Saad Rashid had received the confirmation of the transaction from Switzerland , he had tidied his desk at the back of the Iraqi Airlines office , taken what few personal possessions he kept there and placed them in his briefcase , locked his door , pocketed his key , and told his assistant manager that he believed he was showing the first symptoms of the ‘ flu that was sweeping London .
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