Example sentences of "[vb past] out [conj] they " in BNC.

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1 They 'd get so much grain and they 'd eat it so quickly that it swelled out before they had time to digest it .
2 Coming to a barrier across the road manned by a pair of bored Italian sentries , Fitzroy Maclean shouted out that they were German staff officers .
3 The wheezing noise of the bellows had by this time excited the interest of some sentries on a large freighter moored nearby , but Maclean shouted out that they should mind their own business .
4 Decent people moved out if they could , and the born-squalid moved in : the swamp of the slums spread a few years behind the speculative builder everywhere .
5 We found out that they thought he was the captain giving out safety instructions because we were about to sink .
6 But I quickly found out that they were just ‘ sussing me out ’ — seeing how tough I was — and when my novelty as a new boy wore off , I was out in the cold .
7 Later , in 1977 after my father 's death , we found out that they were never married , that we were illegitimate .
8 Wonder wh well what 's that , you know , be a bang so close well it was n't till , till some time after we found out that they 'd stationed a naval gun somewhere Newtown way and they 'd f fired this gun to , as a practice .
9 And then we found out that they 'd actually caught you .
10 At least 40 schools opted out because they were threatened with closure , and most believe they would be shown little mercy .
11 She came out and they lay her on my stomach .
12 I 'd read about , I read erm read in erm some paper or other not so very long ago , about erm a funeral and the that was going along the road of course , and they came to a to a erm hotel and they were och , they were going for miles and miles and miles and they went into this hotel and the they party the funeral party went into the hotel and had a good few drinks and they were well away when they came out and they they they went away without the coffin , for two miles , two miles before they discovered that they did n't have the coffin .
13 They came out and they voted .
14 It turned out that they were the owners of a restaurant in LA .
15 It turned out that they had instead invested in an airline which never took off , a college that had no students , and a luxury yacht .
16 Prices satisfying these costs are Pareto-superior to go-it-alone prices or prices for subgroups , so that it would seem people would be willing to pay them , yet in our example it turned out that they are not .
17 It turned out that they had come to consult me .
18 As it was , I believe my judgement proved quite sound on the question of timing ; the fact that things turned out as they did is entirely attributable to an error of judgement in another direction altogether .
19 But things turned out as they were bound to do and not as I expected ; there was a typically whole gastrula on my dish the next morning , differing only by its small size from a normal one ; and this small but whole gastrula developed into a whole and typical larva …
20 we had the ch young children then so that erm all in all I am not sorry that things turned out as they did because erm as luck would have it , you know ,
21 Enoch Powell later cited this indication of my position as a kind of pledge from which , when events turned out as they did , I should have had the whole Cabinet 's leave formally to withdraw .
22 But the news leaked out and they decided they could n't wait .
23 They fanned out as they approached , and the Hearthwares on the catwalk produced bows from the sheaths at their backs and notched them with pale-fletched arrows .
24 He skipped out when they sent old Polgar to the chokey , eh ? ’
25 Now that she knew they were there , they stuck out because they were obviously some different language .
26 In a typically wild , rollicking rugby evening , with mayhem breaking out everywhere , the local lads had a marvellous time with the Cup , knocked out that they could actually touch the code 's most holy object .
27 The hills levelled out as they reached the crests , and they could see a vast , rolling country expanding blindingly far northwards ; a sea of white frozen breakers tumbling into an unknown shore under a clear sky .
28 Converters made of chromite and copper oxide were considered as long ago as the 1970s , but ruled out because they proved less effective than those containing the more precious metals .
29 I got out and they got out too .
30 In Germany in 1939 , a British Gentile , let alone a Jew , knew what to expect of the Nazi authorities and got out if they could .
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