Example sentences of "[vb past] been under the " in BNC.

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1 He 'd been under the ice , under the water , for ten minutes or more .
2 No such co-operation was possible in the sphere of taxation , but then it never had been under the Tsars , so Bolshevik extortion seemed hardly more arbitrary than previous methods .
3 Hounslow councillors say they had been under the impression that relations between them and the police were slowly improving , although Mr Wetzel and John Connolly , the influential chair of housing , continue to boycott the statutory police consultative group .
4 He had been under the erroneous impression that Europe was just one big common market , similar in size to the United States , operating under free trade concepts , and with common laws , rules and regulations .
5 But now he was n't making excuses , stating facts that had been under the surface all the time .
6 The many part-time farmers in Germany had been under the same economic pressures as their counterparts in the UK in recent years .
7 I had been under the impression that Smith 's did n't stock SR at all , so well did they hide it .
8 But the other two main additions to the new kingdom — Slovenia and Croatia — had been under the rule of Austria or Hungary for approximately the same period of time .
9 The worst thing was that the tape was on metal spools and the resulting damage was not a complete wipe : there were still tantalising fragments of the recording left where the tape had been under the metal ‘ spokes ’ of the reel , I would be interested to know if this legend is true .
10 While the history of the press has been marked by cleavages between the rulers and the ruled , radio had been under the control of colonial administrators .
11 For a hundred years or so before the birth of Jesus , Palestine had been under the rule of the Romans .
12 She wanted to check , but Sharpe pushed her through a gap in a straggling hedgerow and spurred her across an undulating pasture which , years before , had been under the plough and the old furrows still formed corrugations that faced Sharpe like waves of pale grass .
13 The Reconciled Dominions had been under the control of Yzordderrex 's Autarch for over a century , and every time Godolphin returned from a trip he had new signs of unrest to report .
14 Bécherel had been under the command of one of his retainers , and another had been Constable of Saint-Sauveur , though in all probability he had not been involved in its surrender .
15 Hitherto such bodies had been under the sway of the main committee chairman , but now they began to acquire a life of their own .
16 By contrast , the regulation of the international economy in earlier periods had been under the domination of London , pivoting around London 's capital markets and the pound sterling which acted as the main form of international money .
17 The libretto , which had been lying in his drawer for years , had been written by a M. Frontenac , who had known Alain-Fournier personally , and had been under the spell of his novel since it first appeared in 1913 .
18 The Jewish community continued to be led by the Chief Rabbi , as it had been under the Byzantine emperors .
19 The thought hammered in my brain that I had been under the impression that I was fit .
20 She had always believed there would be someone special — for a while she had been under the illusion that that someone was Marcus .
21 However , the allegation that Hazelwood had been under the influence of alcohol at the time of the disaster was contradicted by a number of witnesses at his trial , which opened in Anchorage , Alaska , on Jan. 29 , 1990 , after a six-month delay .
22 In 613 the kingdom was reunited , as it had been under the previous Chlothar in 558 .
23 The rather frayed drapes , either side of the tall windows , had a silky sheen in the soft lamplight , the scratched furniture and the threadbare state of the rugs no longer as visible as they had been under the brilliant glare of the harsh overhead light .
24 ‘ Tommy told us that she had been under the water and he had to do something to save her .
25 The defence counsel , William Totten , told the High Court in Edinburgh that Storrie had been under the influence of drink and drugs at the time of the offences .
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