Example sentences of "[vb past] been made on " in BNC.

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1 Yet by 1988 substantial progress had been made on all but items ( 2 ) and ( 4 ) of the agenda .
2 But no great impact had been made on this side of the Channel .
3 For Miss Green , Lee 's appointment was perceived as an explicit threat simply because in the previous year , renewal of the Cassell Trust 's grant had not been easily secured and had been made on the understanding that the 1930 renewal was to extend only for a further and final two years .
4 Nicholson did not appear in the film and was used as a production assistant by Corman ; but it is worth mentioning because it was a significant moment in Hollywood history , inspiring as it did a succession of similar films when other producers noticed that The Wild Angels grossed eight million dollars in no time at all , and had been made on a shoestring budget .
5 Another dramatic instance of historical déjà vu came during the miners ' strike , when it was reported that an attack had been made on the police station in Malby , South Yorkshire , scene of an anti-police riot a century earlier when the ‘ new police ’ first arrived there .
6 Others crossed the low–and on the old Roman road which had been made on the ridge of the terminal moraine .
7 It is curious , therefore , that he did not immediately exploit the worthwhile gains that had been made on the right .
8 By the end of July an advance of about two and a half miles had been made on a front which at this depth did not exceed two miles . ’
9 Darling 's mark had been made on his final Test , however , with three catches in England 's first innings , two of them at short leg quite startling .
10 Tax reform had been a major campaign commitment in 1976 , but four years later very little progress had been made on this matter .
11 It seemed to her that a start had been made on the rubbish ; yes , it had , and some filled sacks stood by the hedge , the plastic gleaming blackly .
12 At that time [ the petitioner ] was asserting that there was no contract and purported to withdraw an offer which had been made on terms different from those that had been agreed .
13 My decision not to eat had been made on the spur of the moment and was based not , as I well knew , on the terrible beating , but on the pointless cruelty of not allowing the others to go to the bathroom .
14 A joint statement issued by the two leaders described the meeting as an ‘ important step in the process of putting US-Soviet relations on a more productive and sustainable basis ’ ; in particular , a draft treaty on the reduction and limitation of strategic nuclear arms had been discussed and a series of agreements had been made on the contentious question of the verification of nuclear testing .
15 The Wheatley Act remained in operation until 1933 ( though with a reduced subsidy ) and an indelible mark had been made on housing policy .
16 Critics also argue that , because statements made under the lobby rules mean that they can not be directly attributed to Mr Ingham , his colleagues or Government Ministers , they are less credible than if they had been made on the record .
17 Jacobs ' folly had been to play ‘ Ca n't Happen Here ’ ‘ by a group of American male singers calling themselves the Mothers of Invention ’ on BBC TV 's Juke Box Jury , adding that the record had been made on a ‘ trip ’ .
18 The court held that the seller was not liable for non-delivery of the goods because the contract had been made on the assumption that the crop would materialise .
19 Is not it sad to hear that until yesterday no representations had been made on the patients charter by NUPE and COHSE ?
20 The raid by the RUC 's C13 anti-racketeering squad last week is understood to have been mounted following a complaint by a businessman that money demands had been made on him .
21 The main stumbling block continued to be the Irish government 's insistence on involvement in talks from the start , whereas Ulster Unionists were reluctant to allow Ireland to take part until substantial progress had been made on negotiating a new form of devolved government for Northern Ireland .
22 ( An earlier change had been made on April 25 when Kwon Hwi Hyuk had been appointed as Director of the Environment Agency after his predecessor Huh Nam Hoon was dismissed in response to the contamination of the water supply in Taegu through the dumping of 300 tonnes of phenol , a caustic chemical compound . )
23 On Dec. 25 the Iranian government issued a vigorous protest against the arrest , which had been made on an Interpol warrant issued in Paris .
24 On the following day the Senate was compelled to " freeze " the legislation after opposition deputies successfully appealed to the Supreme Court to block Senate ratification of the law until a ruling had been made on the constitutional legality of the AP 's parliamentary conduct during the lower house vote .
25 A previous such appeal had been made on Feb. 1 , 1992 , but had failed to meet its target of US$621,000,000 .
26 Documentary checks might be supplemented with results of site inspections to discover whether equipment was stored solely on site , whether it had been incorporated into the works , whether stage payments had been made on time and for the agreed amount .
27 Over 260 people had enjoyed the evening and through the generosity of those who contributed prizes or money towards their purchase £137 had been made on the raffle .
28 Two members of the Court of Appeal held that no concluded contract had been made on the telephone ; the plaintiff had merely made an invitation to treat .
29 This aspect of the decision in Levison is open to question ; the parties had agreed the price and the date for the collection of the carpet , and it might be thought that that would indicate that a binding contract had been made on the telephone .
30 John Buxton , director of property services for Darlington council , said savings of about £800,000 had been made on the estimate following a review by officers .
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