Example sentences of "[vb past] been [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It worried her that he 'd been secretly observing her .
2 How stupid she 'd been not to realise it from the start .
3 But the market would be affected , particularly as the disappointed broker had n't hesitated to tell everyone how lucky he 'd been not to drop a packet on Dreadnought , which had gone straight to the bottom like a stone in a pond .
4 Sam Yaeger spent Monday at the boatyard because he 'd been medically stood down from racing as a result of a fall , but by Tuesday he was racing again , and on Wednesday he rode at Ascot , so the boathouse was vulnerable all day Tuesday and again Wednesday morning . ’
5 I 'd told her I 'd been away filming in Scotland that night . ’
6 We 'd been heavily blitzed and this gave us the opportunity to think big and boldly and to think philosophically .
7 She 'd been badly beaten up , poor kid .
8 He 'd been badly beaten and his throat had been cut .
9 But the prosecution says she 'd been badly beaten around the head before she died .
10 He had only one more room to do , he said , and he should have finished long before this but he 'd been badly delayed in the car on the other side of the dining car , which he had in his care also .
11 All of us — my mother , my sister and I — were determined to spare him any more hospitals : he 'd been badly burned during the war and had a horror of them .
12 He said he was called Prentice and he was a detective-sergeant and he 'd been well trained in the most vicious of police techniques : politeness and reasonableness .
13 Two detectives accused of altering a suspect 's statement to conceal the fact that he 'd been unlawfully arrested have been cleared of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice .
14 There 'd been neither sight nor sound of James since that fateful day and no doubt he had forgotten her as quickly as he had taken her , but he must be told there was going to be a child .
15 Yep , I 'd finished the lodging houses , they were rough , my word they were rough , they used to get drunk and fighting , and of course they used to be amusing really they used to get fighting at a lodging house quite close to the dock and after when the windows was smashed , we would find that they 'd been temporarily repaired with a coal sack taken from the coal yard next door , and all that sort of business , and anyhow , nothing particular out of the way happened until three years later of course when we got the general strike , and the strikers used to meet outside the labour institution headquarters in Street .
16 Robert Brown was suspended as head of the lower school at Pates Grammar in Cheltenham last year after the girl alleged she 'd been indecently assaulted .
17 She 'd been completely refitted in Gloucester docks and was on her way to Southampton via the Gloucester to Sharpness canal .
18 But you see , if I 'd been properly organised , none of these disasters would have happened .
19 I know but it 's just , waste of time in it ? they 'd been better spent to finish the order that they did have , and inject that , ha oh be fair to do that to use though , no doubt they will , pick out all the things we did n't do right bloody should done too many of this or not enough of that
20 The nomes , who 'd been silently reading along with her , shivered .
21 ‘ Where there 's money to be made you can bet there 's someone making it , ’ said an old man who 'd been silently working his spindle since the conversation began .
22 He could n't remember whether they 'd been fully done up or simply pushed through loosely .
23 But even if she 'd been fully clothed the chance of escape was gone before it arrived .
24 I do n't think they 'd been actually taken from what I can gather .
25 She 'd been all set to enjoy being here , and had momentarily forgotten how taciturn her minder could be .
26 He 'd been all set to save England and I 'd stopped him .
27 I was in some doubt as to whether the Corporal had stumbled upon us accidentally on his way out of the town or if he 'd been deliberately tasked .
28 She 'd been sexually assaulted and strangled and her body forced into a suitcase measuring 2 ft 10 by 2 ft 6 .
29 He said his name was John and that he 'd been sexually abused as a child .
30 Before she was killed she 'd been sexually abused .
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