Example sentences of "[vb past] n't know why " in BNC.

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1 Of Breavman ( his alter ego ) he states , ‘ He did n't know why he hated the careful diagrams and coloured plates .
2 He did n't know why .
3 He did n't know why she was screaming — he 'd pulled his trousers up long ago .
4 ‘ I think it is fair to say ’ , mused Abrams , that everyone involved in the RIG ( the Restricted Inter-agency Group that met regularly to discuss policy in Latin America ) knew that Ollie was somehow connected with this but did n't know why
5 So this was death , I thought numbly ; and I did n't even know who was killing me , and I did n't know why .
6 I did n't know why I 'd agreed to attend this festival .
7 They did n't know why .
8 Years ago a young Somerset cricketer said he did n't know why he played this wretched game ‘ because I worry about it so much . ’
9 He answered , when pressed , that he did n't know why , but it was understood that the young fellow was mad , that is , Monseigneur the King was in one of his fits of impatience .
10 He did n't know why he was saying these words ; deep down he knew that he should be running back to the truck and getting the rescue organized .
11 He did n't know why he 'd written , except maybe to let people know that he was alive .
12 Some kind of crisis had developed in the last few minutes , and she did n't know why she felt afraid .
13 Kevin did n't know why he put it off because the reasons for doing so were always valid .
14 You did n't know why it meant a lot to you .
15 In-cell slot video , that would be a good idea , she did n't know why someone had n't come up with it already .
16 She felt distressed , she did n't know why .
17 He thought of Alan Millet … did n't know why , could n't place the trigger that led him to Alan Millet and a pub in the Elephant and Castle south of the Thames .
18 Emily did n't know why she was being so defensive with this girl from the lower order in her simple garments and with her wild hair .
19 And as , as we said before , erm , many of the , erm people who lived in the poorer parts of erm the country , whether in urban or rural En erm England did n't really know about basic nutrition and and health I mean you just ate what was available but you did n't know why and so the government started this campaign to introduce you know knowledge about diet and how important it was .
20 Peter Cook always used to say he did n't know why I was looking for myself , he knew exactly where I was !
21 Carrie was frightened , she did n't know why .
22 It had all gone wrong somehow ; she did n't know why , but it had .
23 She did n't know why .
24 More than that , he wanted Louis to like him , but he did n't know why .
25 William did n't know why the fleas left the marmots for the rats .
26 They did n't like her , but they did n't know why .
27 Spike Spike did n't Spike did n't know why it would n't work .
28 He did n't know why these thoughts had come back into his mind now .
29 Now Chesarynth 's throat worked — she had n't known it was going to , did n't know why it should — and her own voice scratched the poor air that smelt only of hospitals .
30 I did n't know you were going to do it , and after it had happened , I did n't know why .
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