Example sentences of "[vb past] an important part " in BNC.

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1 Colour theming and co-ordination played an important part in the garden .
2 She founded a Hindu College at Benares , adopted the 14-year-old Krishnamurti , whom she believed to be the earthly vehicle of the new World Teacher , and played an important part in the campaign for Indian self-government .
3 As chairman of the metal trades section of the Canadian Manufacturers Association and a member of its national defence committee , he played an important part in the revival of shipbuilding on the Pacific coast .
4 Common grazings played an important part in most farm enterprises : on average only 6% of the farm was owned by the farmer/crofter .
5 It is reasonable to suppose , therefore , that in relation to social factors influencing decision making , the ASW played an important part .
6 However , it must not be forgotten that Miller 's expertise in the propagation and care of these newcomers , together with detailed advice on their cultivation in the Dictionary , undoubtedly played an important part in the availability and successful growing of hitherto unknown plants .
7 While Fontainebleau played an important part in the seasonal round of Court life , Compiègne was , and has remained , the Imperial residence most clearly identified with the Second Empire .
8 The media played an important part in the leadership election campaign .
9 The chapel played an important part in the coronation ceremony .
10 At Oklo , too , organic material played an important part in the process .
11 Certainly in the case of Nicaragua , this strategy played an important part in undermining the undoubted popular support which the Sandinistas had enjoyed in the first part of the 1980s .
12 Certainly it stands comparison with the better-known Haua Fteah cave in North Africa , which hunters and gatherers occupied from about 75000 years ago and where shellfish also played an important part in the people 's economy .
13 Subsequently , polythene played an important part in radar during the Second World War .
14 Sex played an important part in her public and private life .
15 Kilham also had the distinction of housing the Pigeon Corps which , perhaps surprisingly , played an important part in Second World War communications .
16 Stamford Bridge played an important part in the history of England .
17 The church of St James , dedicated September 1349 , and the daughter church of St Peter 's , Wawne , played an important part in the life of the village .
18 Lesbian and gay speakers played an important part in the debate .
19 Rasa played an important part in Indian alchemy which is primarily the concern of those devotees of Siva , God of metamorphosis , and was used in concocting the ‘ elixir of life ’ known as ‘ Rasayana ’ .
20 When the ice sheet extended most widely , near the shelf edge , processes at its margin played an important part in the construction of the apron of sediment being deposited on the continental slope .
21 Through their press and journals , through such political organizations as Renovaciòn Españiola , founded in early 1933 , through their nurturing of Spanish fascism and subversion of the officer corps , the Alfonsists played an important part in undermining Spanish democracy and creating the ideological foundations of the Franco regime that emerged out of the Civil War .
22 Luck and favourable circumstances certainly played an important part .
23 The fortunes made out of slavery and the allied triangular trade in sugar , tobacco , cotton and other commodities produced in the Caribbean islands and America also played an important part in British economic development .
24 As on land , new weapons developed prior to the war played an important part in future operations .
25 Yet they played an important part in providing an entrée for headhunting to the Boardrooms of Britain .
26 Desertions from the National Party are reflected in a similar scramble from the Broederbond , an Afrikaner organisation that shares some of its leaders with the party and played an important part in persuading it to move boldly on reform .
27 Almost certainly alternative sources of income played an important part .
28 The specific structure of Russian industry played an important part .
29 The long history of Polish resistance played an important part in heightening the regime 's suspicions of signs of cultural autonomy anywhere in the Empire , and in fuelling the aggressive nationalist tone adopted by both Alexander III and Nicholas II .
30 It is no accident that the curious natural history of fig wasps played an important part in that work as well .
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