Example sentences of "[vb past] were in the " in BNC.

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1 Although comparisons of fixed doses of drugs have limitations , the doses of propranolol and nifedipine used were in the middle of their therapeutic ranges .
2 Adjustment for risk factors known before the start of labour made little difference to perinatal mortality rates , but such differences that occurred were in the expected direction .
3 About half the faults of the eventual 955 types collated were in the outer structure .
4 Those gardens which survived were in the main bulldozed and concreted over to provide station car-parking in the 1950 , another victory for functionalism over aesthetics .
5 It followed , therefore , that most of the military appointments to which Scottish freeholders and burgh councillors aspired were in the line infantry and to a lesser degree the cavalry , augmented during the wars with France at the turn of the century with numerous local military units of a temporary nature .
6 Meanwhile the factory towns and the mines were not far off as they were in the South , and the northern peasant was used to a hard life ; he was not forced to stay on the land as a pauper , since employers and employed were in the same economic difficulties and regarded each other as of nearly the same status .
7 She , Bambi , Nell and the Youngs made their way past me without looking at me and continued on along the corridor beside the kitchen , going to inspect the revised quarters which I knew were in the sleeping car forward of Filmer 's .
8 The only corners I knew were in the playground where boys tried to fumble in my knickers , and street corners where the winds met head-on .
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