Example sentences of "[vb past] his most [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There was a London man who was apparently changing the plug on his Hoover ( the ‘ Dustette ’ model ) when the saucy little device inexplicably turned itself ( and him ) on and drew his most intimate parts into its innermost self .
2 In Crotone , the former Croton , one of the many rich colonies on the coast to the south , on the Ionian sea to the south of Rupe , Zeuxis painted his most famous commission , for the sanctuary of Hera on the promontory .
3 In 1917 , as if in defiance of the death and destruction all around him , Modigliani painted his most glorious series of nudes .
4 In the next decade he composed his most notable work .
5 For her he composed his most important devotional works , including several hymns and a poem in praise of virginity .
6 He secured his most spectacular coup in 1872 when he won a concession from the shah of Persia covering the exploitation of all industrial and mineral rights .
7 After this extraordinary eight-frame losing streak , Davis won four in a row to close to only 7-8 , but two elementary mistakes in the following frame , failing to reach the yellow when rolling up behind it for a snooker , and failing to pot a red at close range along the top cushion , prefaced a run of 48 with which Reynolds secured his most notable scalp .
8 After this extraordinary eight-frame losing streak , Davis won four in a row to close to only 7-8 , but two elementary mistakes in the following frame , failing to reach the yellow when rolling up behind it for a snooker , and failing to pot a red at close range along the top cushion , prefaced a run of 48 with which Reynolds secured his most notable scalp .
9 Stewart meanwhile belied his dislike of opening and played his most assured ( and highest ) innings yet for his country .
10 Reid reserved his most venomous attacks for Virgin and Branson .
11 He also says : ‘ Jesus reserved his most astringent criticism for the Pharisees .
12 The selection of those who might have the right varied according to immediate tactics but , in general , Engels reserved his most withering scorn — and violent prejudice — for ‘ non-historical peoples ’ ,
13 They met with little armed resistance ( which must have been a relief to Louis , who had little confidence in his own military skill ) , and gained considerable incidental profit : the king 's person was seen in an area unvisited since the reign of Louis IV ; the counts of Nevers , Chalon , and Mâcon were brought to heel ; Burgundian lords appealed for the king 's mediation in their quarrels ( he also sought theirs ) ; the count of Forez , hitherto only a vassal of the Emperor , declared his most important castles to be held as fief of the crown of France , the first step in the integration of Forez into the French realm .
14 ‘ He looked very much like me , ’ claimed his most famous son , also named Richard Walter Jenkins , later to be known as Richard Burton .
15 Here he discovered his most enduring sources of sexual pleasure — pornography and masturbation .
16 This summer , Richard Stemp enjoyed his most successful bowling season so far for Worcestershire , with several matchwinning performances such as this against Gloucestershire .
17 The new regime prompted his most consistent season ever .
18 He turned to Amaryllis and delivered his most accomplished smile .
19 To examine the evidence , he sent his most able men , Peach and Horne who were joined later by Clough , Hinxman , Cadell and Gunn .
20 The robin hopped on to an old climbing plant on the wall , and sang his most beautiful song .
21 As he swivelled up he planted his most unabashed and flattering look on her , smiled slightly to animate the dimple in the scar , let his right hand trail towards his heart and , with a minute motion of his head ( his hat , of course , having been flourished off ) shook his long thick hair rather , he imagined , like a mane , breathing perceptibly heavily at the time so that with any sensitivity in her at all she would be in no doubt that her beauty had scored a palpable hit .
22 SIR Geoffrey Mulcahy yesterday took his most ambitious step yet since his Kingfisher retailing group failed in its £570 million bid for Dixons , Britain 's biggest electrical retailer , in 1990 , writes MAGNUS GRIMOND .
23 Around 1906 Orpen was introduced to Mrs St George and she became his most important and influential patron .
24 The most romantic period of the whole adventure now followed as , often resembling a ragged beggar more than a would-be king , the young prince moved across to the west coast , hiding in caves and foresters ' huts , until at the end of June he made his most famous journey , ‘ over the sea to Skye ’ , posing as an Irish sewing maid .
25 On Easter Saturday 1982 he made his most famous deal , picking up troubled Chelsea Football Club when it was in danger of closure — for £1 .
26 It was from the vantage point of the Master 's Lodge , a family place , that Thomson , cheerful and generous , made his most distinctive contribution to university affairs , although he had already been active since the 1930s in adult education , as both a part-time tutor and a committee member , and from 1950 to 1958 he had sat on the council of the senate .
27 Carter had already excavated on behalf of Lord Amherst in the 1890s , but it was during his period with Lord Carnarvan that he made his most spectacular and significant finds , digging at Thebes and in the Valley of the Kings .
28 Plucked from the disintegrating world of Soviet football by Alex Ferguson last year , Kanchelskis made his most meaningful contribution to United 's title quest last night .
29 ‘ Its reception ’ , continued the article , ‘ equalled his most sanguine hopes , and its spirited and able author had the happiness to find his labours not unrewarded . ’
30 Then in 1929 , he announced his most astonishing discovery — that of what immediately became known as ‘ Hubble 's law of redshifts ’ It was the empirical discovery of the expansion of the Universe .
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