Example sentences of "[vb past] his [noun sg] over " in BNC.

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1 He jerked his thumb over his shoulder towards Sonny cowering against the wall .
2 Following the death of James I , Charles I became King of England , in 1625 , and the Duke of Buckingham ( who had been James I 's favourite ) retained his influence over the throne until he was assassinated at Portsmouth , in August 1628 , but not before he had arranged the marriage of Charles I to Henrietta Maria of France .
3 Then , one by one , with the rope round his body , each man wormed his way over the ladder-bridge to the bank .
4 Willie sat back on the pouffe and traced his finger over the pictures .
5 Bonefish drew his hand over the abraded edges of the copper sheathing left on Masquerade 's hull .
6 Athelstan drew his cowl over his head and pulled his sleeves down .
7 Dexter moved his chair over the kitchen tiles causing a squeak that exploded round the kitchen .
8 Kragan moved his hand over the butt of his revolver and loosened it in its holster .
9 The boy bent his head over the book with a docility unlike him .
10 He bent his head over his papers .
11 He bent his head over the basin and sniffed .
12 He knocked on the wall for the boy from the cafe next door to come in , and indicated his usual order with a nod ; to the other company , he raised a slow hand , palm over his breast but not touching it , and bent his head over the paper .
13 He hooked his thumb over his shoulder in the direction of the deep forest and then pointed the way they had come .
14 Confusion in the Scunthorpe defence almost let in Gary Bennett for a fourth minute opener , but he hooked his shot over the bar under pressure from Matthew Elliott .
15 He had even spoken — interminably — at the famous meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science , held at Oxford in 1860 , when Huxley allegedly scored his victory over Bishop Wilberforce with the retort that he would rather have an ape for an ancestor than a man who used his privileged position to pronounce on matters he knew nothing about .
16 On the other hand , Woosnam scorned the perils of the fairway bunkers and simply blasted his tee-shot over them , a carry of 270 yards .
17 He scorned the use of a periscope , and stood and poked his head over the parapet .
18 An old bearded man poked his head over the guildmaster 's shoulder and cackled , ‘ Speaking on behalf of the winesellers of Morpork , Tourism means Business .
19 Be even worse if they played his singing over the tannoy though would n't it ?
20 When Alexei Sultanov , a nineteen-year-old from the USSR , was finally declared the winner , he rushed up on stage and lifted his trophy over his head and yipped with glee and the people of Fort Worth stood and clapped as if they had been seized with divine ecstasy .
21 I would have thought that hed also steer clear of mentioning old codgers , seeing as Hoddle and MAL DONAGHY ( double pfffttt ! ! ) , amongst others , turned his team over that day .
22 Taking up the strands of the existing conversation , and wishing to demonstrate a point , he slowly poured his coffee over his piece of pulpy apple pie with the over-elaborate air of a novice waiter serving some especial and expensive delicacy .
23 Bill Brett , general secretary of the Institution of Professional Civil Servants , which includes air traffic controllers and transport safety inspectors declared his concern over the cuts in the safety inspectorate over the recent years , and growing pressure on overworked air traffic controllers coping with increased traffic .
24 She acknowledged his power over her .
25 The doctor shook his head over the marchioness and , even now , when she had managed to leave her bed , a hard cough continuously racked her thin frame .
26 He shone his lamp over the desk 's surface , picking out four objects .
27 For a moment he stood , defeated , but then , memory working overtime , he moved into the garage , opened the door of the Rolls , and shone his torch over the dashboard .
28 As she noted affectionately in her diary , he nodded his head over the teapot ‘ like an old pouter pigeon ’ .
29 Whitlock activated the window and clasped his hand over his chest .
30 The waiter brought them cool beers and before drinking Fernando reached out and clasped his hand over hers .
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