Example sentences of "[vb past] from [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Underpants rose from unexpected corners , on collision courses with snaking socks .
2 Gushers rose from disconnected water pipes , and the Dream matter sludged instantly .
3 Young Warren Barton , the Wimbledon full-back , rose from non-League novice to England B status under Harford 's meticulous tutelage .
4 The shells of shops and houses rose from scrubby grasslands .
5 ( Stalin drew from archaic models which emphasized the pyramidal tomb [ Lenin 's ] as the centre of a tribal cult based on forced labour punctuated by religious ceremonies [ May Day ; 7 November ] . )
6 Skylark-like song , including both frequent notes mimicked from other birds , and its own jangling corn-bunting-like ‘ kleetra ’ call note , uttered either in high wide circular song flight , or lower down with curious slow wing action , or even on ground .
7 From their respective sites at Stowmarket and Peterborough , Prentice and Alcock could work out the heights and paths of the dust particles by triangulation , showing that these sporadic meteors were members of the Solar System , in contradiction to the view of professional astronomers in the United States who believed that they entered from interstellar space .
8 From these fragments I reconstructed the brooding melancholy of a land subject to disaster after disaster , a family forced out through poverty , and I wove from insubstantial vapour the misty quilt in which I sensed his childhood to have been enveloped .
9 By combining information on ships and shipowners found in the Liverpool Plantation Registers with material on the voyages of the same ships to Africa and the Americas gleaned from other trade and shipping records , it is possible to reconstruct in considerable depth a major port 's involvement in the Atlantic trades at this time , and to begin to assess their impact on economic change in its hinterland .
10 Philips in the Netherlands has claimed an efficiency of 30 per cent with an engine it built from conventional materials .
11 And the vision held out was of a Russia transformed from grinding poverty , ignorance , and rural backwardness into a society that would not only be just and free but modern , dynamic , industrial .
12 The choices ranged from central SF authors and works such as Ray Bradbury , Arthur C. Clarke and The time machine , to less central or non-SF writers and books such as Enid Blyton , Salman Rushdie and Dracula .
13 They ranged from ancient foundations , like St Bartholomew 's and St Thomas 's , to smaller local charities .
14 They ranged from poor orphans in modest white dresses ( worn by both sexes ) to sailor-suited scions of white-collar families and rich little Lord Fauntleroys .
15 These attempts , none too successful , ranged from various business ventures to a stint in the Netherlands ( 1745–7 ) as observer for the British government .
16 The total of forty-two sins ranged from serious crimes like murder to minor wrongdoings like listening to gossip .
17 ‘ Among Catholics the response ranged from mild support to disinterest .
18 Among Japan 's leaders opinions of Western society ranged from utter condemnation of its values to defiant affirmations of its superiority .
19 The samples ranged from modern lacquer hardened in the laboratory to objects from the last centuries BC .
20 Transport is another area in which the discussion ranged from immediate action to changes only possible in the distant future .
21 Announcement of the verdict was accompanied by shouts of " Shame ! " by Ostashvili 's supporters ( who ranged from young skinheads to elderly war veterans ) , and banners were unfurled bearing anti-Zionist slogans .
22 His literary interests were remarkably wide and his expertise ranged from Anglo-Irish writing to Silver Age Latin epigrammatists ; but he published mainly on seventeenth-century comic or satirical dramatists , as his editions of Marston 's Malcontent and Vanbrugh 's Relapse testify .
23 Meanwhile , down in the deep south — at TVS studios in Southampton to be precise — there was a 4th July menu that ranged from real Texas burgers to an adventurous Lousiana duck .
24 Those who refused to give the figures ranged from tiny building societies , who simply did not have the technology to work out the sum , to large multi-national banks with copious staff and computers to hand .
25 The work ranged from small debt collection to very large acquisitions and disposals for the four main divisions of the company , and provided me with a great variety of work which was predominantly commercial .
26 Groups ranged from small numbers of participants up to groups of over ninety .
27 The severity of damage ranged from small islets in which the surface remained completely denuded ( Fig 5C ) to areas in which the continuity of the surface epithelium was nearly complete ( Fig 5D ) .
28 They ranged from deep night-purple through the varying shades of blue , orange , flame , and yellow to that pale , pure green seen on calm summer evenings .
29 The code of ethics ranged from strong drink to women of doubtful morals .
30 The assistance given ranged from financial assistance for the procurement of legal advice to the issuing of court orders .
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