Example sentences of "[vb past] they [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 The course has also attracted former school teachers with PGCE qualifications who had left teaching years earlier to raise a family and then found they needed a refresher or updating course before returning to full-time and or part-time work .
2 What Ferguson had found and what the left just could not see was that when Hollywood really tried they produced a thing that ought not be pedantically analysed for ‘ the thing exists by itself for its moments on the screen , unquestionable ’ .
3 Tiles were the ro making the tiles was a major operation because erm when they first tried to make the tiles they tried they dug a hole big hole at Rawcliffe and they they tried to make forty thousand tiles , line them all up in the pit and they brought something like forty tonnes of dry wood chippings from the erm saw mills in er forest but they could n't quite get it hot enough so the whole lot had to be thrown away do again .
4 Before Linfield equalised they had a couple of efforts .
5 ‘ They were advising me to sell , and it seemed they had a taker who was offering a very generous price .
6 It seemed they had a mutual acquaintance in ‘ freelance , W. Dennis Suit , president of Overseas Press Services , whom Coleman had met as a ‘ consultant ’ to Pat Robertson 's Christian Broadcasting Network and with whom he had kept in touch , on DIA instructions , because of Suit 's involvement with Oliver North 's ragtag army of conmen , yahoos and armchair mercenaries from
7 Our screwed up eyes imagined they say a straight line in the bottom of Central Gully .
8 Luton 's loss FOOTBALL : Luton 's annual reports and accounts for last season yesterday showed they made a trading loss of £254,000 , which would have been nearly £1.6 million if they had not sold players .
9 Renault showed they had a winner for the first time at the 1979 French Grand Prix when Jean-Pierre Jabouille ( Fra ) was first , with team-mate Rene Arnoux third .
10 Graeme Stephens , John Moreland , Chris Bellis , Gordon Headley and Mike Travis played fictitious characters named Chris , Joe , Raimo , Norman and Tom , and , said Graeme , who is managing director of LASMO Colombia ; ‘ Our VIP group showed they had a fine sense of humour by entering into the fun , and no libel suits have surfaced yet ! ’
11 Someone claimed they saw a huge wormlike thing slither out of the meteorite and bury itself in the earth . ’
12 When they arrived they attended a mass meeting at the Kufra sportsclub to discuss the issue .
13 At Philadelphia he had been joined by two others in what was obviously a preplanned meeting since the moment dinner was cleared away and a new round of gin and diet tonics ordered they began a miniature board meeting .
14 When the Unionists returned they approved a motion for the council to go into committee , which would require the gallery to be cleared .
15 I went to Grenoble and discovered they had a small project on the outskirts , which had been a piece of wasteland ; they ploughed it all down , replanned it , had a complete new housing estate , hotel , the lot , in less than five years , where the City Council would be thinking about which bit of land to use , what to put there , how to do it , and ten years later they might think about producing a plan , and ten years after that ( that 's twenty years on ) something would appear .
16 Teesside magistrates heard they put a terrier with an electronic collar down a badger hole .
17 Meanwhile , the pilot of Beyond Our Ken was listened to by the BBC mandarins , who decided they liked a great deal about it and decreed it would definitely become a radio series .
18 After a hundred years of true blue Conservative control , the electors decided they wanted a change .
19 My feet decided they needed a day off .
20 There was no tea break but Mr John and a woman , who she thought might have been a chaperone , would go into a little room at the end , where she fancied they had a nip or two .
21 Er they watched they watched a bit of Spot and a bit of Paddington .
22 Not that I 'm complaining because I realized they had a job to do , but they were all firing their questions at once , and I do like to give a civil , considered reply .
23 Fry 's chocolates were made in the old centre of the city but as the business expanded they needed a large space for a modern factory and also easy ways of distributing the goods .
24 All agreed they had a rough deal as their work often involved great pain .
25 I hope you realised they said a few a words on there that 's just been picked up like while I was
26 Erm that was on the same vein and they got they got a ce er a certain amount of national er erm national er publicity .
27 But red-faced valuers admitted they made a mistake when Mary , 41 , invited them to view it .
28 Wherever they went they represented a frontier of the Kingdom ( Luke 10:1 ) .
29 Less than a third agreed they came by their fees easily , while half felt they made a positive effort to support and understand clients and 59 per cent that they respond very positively to requests for help and advice ( although these two groups of responses should be seen in the light of that ‘ distress purchase ’ attitude , where lawyers are unlikely to be negative when a client suddenly calls up offering business ) .
30 In reply Roy Hattersley supported the call for the immediate suppression of street violence , but warned that the roots of such riots could not be dealt with until all people felt they had a stake in British society ( ibid. : cols. 1407–9 )
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