Example sentences of "[vb past] not [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 I referred not to this one but to the principle .
2 Strangely enough these stemmed not from any hostility towards Doctor Who the concept all three were thoroughly supportive of the format — only from reservations Wilson and Newman had about the way Verity Lambert and David Whitaker were interpreting their prodigy .
3 Leith shook hands with him , but cared not at all for the way he ogled her the whole time .
4 She then discovered that she cared not at all for the dangerous glint that suddenly appeared in his eyes as he stared down into her still blush-pinkened skin .
5 Or perhaps I ought to say it was her spirit , since it resembled not at all any portrait that could have been painted .
6 To quote Bernard Pares , a founding father of the study of the revolution in Britain , writing in 1939 , ‘ The cause of the [ tsarist ] ruin came not at all from below , but from above .
7 Jesus said he came not for such ‘ virtuous ’ people but to give hope to those who were aware of their need of God .
8 At least he had read the available documents , but his memorandum " differed not at all , in essence , from decisions taken by secret committees in the reign of Nicholas I " .
9 This time there was no mistake made , he was known , and killed not for another , but for himself . ’
10 The lych-gate creaked and left its prickly signature of rust upon the palm ( I 'll get it fixed , Ma 'm ! ) ; the bell rang not at all unless obliquely pressed by a nor'-nor'-westerly thumb .
11 Constance could not get out of her mind the careless way Gioella had completely taken over Ludovico , excluding her as if she mattered not at all .
12 He drove her back to Greystones , still talking fluently of things that mattered not at all .
13 But since to say as much might only set his back up , ‘ Yes , ’ she lied pleasantly , but felt not at all happy with the lie however pleasantly put , and went swiftly on , ‘ Er — do you — er — know Mr Gajdusek by any chance ? ’
14 Kafka 's gift to posterity lay not in any facile adumbration of the Nazi concentration camps , but in his ability to articulate terrors which we all have lurking in the recesses of our minds .
15 The reason for this lay not in any assessment of the rival claims , but in his unwavering determination to bring Normandy under his rule .
16 It did not take long to realise that what really worried Mrs Baran was Franziska 's relationship with her husband , although : ‘ … from the way in which Mr Baran talked about Franzi I did not at all get the impression that there is any reason for Mrs Baran to be jealous ’ .
17 After a while , however , Pound 's constant and insistent proselytizing began to annoy him , and he reverts to his usual more careful and elaborate prose while explaining ( as so many of Pound 's correspondents did ) that he did not at all understand what Pound was talking about .
18 Louis did not at all resemble Dahl 's amiable dream dispenser as Preston remembered him from the twins ' illustrated paperback .
19 The reply of the Government representative , Viscount Gage , was very unsatisfactory , in that it had been prepared beforehand , and did not at all deal with the points raised by Lord Charnwood .
20 Here he went astray , for Tilda did not at all like being so small .
21 But it did not at all rule out the possibility of these laws being enunciated by an enlightened monarch .
22 There seemed the suspicion of an implied threat here that Mr Crumwallis did not at all like .
23 H. W. Janson 's History of Art , the standard college textbook , did not at that time mention a single woman artist ’ ; and in discussing the period reviewed by the exhibition , various choices of media made by women artists are chronicled , for , ‘ Many women artists eschewed painting — especially abstract painting — as a domain polluted by long saturation with male dominant values , and developed their themes in performance . ’
24 For the last two years he had been in practice in Northampton , and he did not at that stage wish to endanger his prospects there by letting his application to Bedford be generally known ; if Whitbread gave his support however , Thackeray would ‘ make his pretensions public ’ .
25 Initially she was supportive of the continuing claim to office of President Barre whose overthrow she did not at that stage recognise .
26 If anybody wants a fire certificate and we had a recent case where a notable local solicitor asked us to issue a fire certificate and we refused , because his premises does not require one , or did not at that point require a fire certificate .
27 Well I I I would n't er pin point the German attitude on this one , I mean after all we did collaborate with Germany very successfully on the tornado which has a nuclear role but the the four governments must first of all decide if that is what we want to build into this aeroplane and they decided that they did not at that stage .
28 ) At school , so that I would have time to practise two hours a day , by the age of 15 , I had been allowed to drop Latin ( Greek did not at any point arise ) and Maths .
29 Section 4(1) ( b ) stipulates , " that the person proceeded against did not at any time supply the product to another " .
30 The evidence is overwhelming that he did not at this stage contemplate a coalition government .
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