Example sentences of "[vb past] at each [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 From the later 1830s the rulers of Prussia and Russia maintained at each other 's courts military plenipotentiaries , high-ranking officers whose role in relations between the two monarchs was often more important than that of any diplomat .
2 It would be tedious to list the types and colours of stone , ceramic etc. used at each site in Britain ; if any picture at all emerges it is that mosaicists made good with what was easily obtained , and that the types of stone used for various shades of colour are predictable and limited in number .
3 The two then fenced at each other with their beaks , each parrying the other 's thrust .
4 Sam and Rose mouthed at each other : ‘ Candle by the bed , ’ and nodded .
5 Ludens and Irina jostled each other , shouted at each other , chattered to each other , argued a lot , laughed a lot .
6 This time , the couple still shouted at each other , but were open and honest about how they felt .
7 Beside him Carol watched the modern-day gladiators as they came at each other .
8 And they nodded at each other , for all the world , Isobel thought , like a pair of well-fed penguins .
9 As he introduced them , the two women nodded at each other .
10 The two men nodded at each other .
11 They were ballroom veterans , bobbing around a tottering couple with rigid elbows who frowned at each other 's feet .
12 And frowned at each other , as ill-coordinated a double-act as Fanny and Johnny Cradock : it was hard to tell which one found the other most irritating .
13 She could sense how his body moved towards her subtly ; how , with the utmost casualness , he strove at each moment to include her in all that was said .
14 They yelled at each other until the car passed erratically between the electric gates of the elegant , much photographed Lewis home and came to a halt on the gravel before the porch .
15 The colours all yelled at each other ; most of the furniture was cheap and shabby and it was in a clutter of smelly untidiness , but the general effect was of a room somebody had made the best of according to their taste , and enjoyed living in .
16 Jenny and Antony moved a few inches further apart , then giggled at each other because of the involuntary movement .
17 They grinned at each other like conspirators .
18 As they jolted along they grinned at each other , letting out little exaggerated groans of pain every time the unsprung wheels hit a bump in the road .
19 They grinned at each other .
20 They all glanced at each other in dismay .
21 The word was high-pitched and the sisters glanced at each other and laughed in their different keys , and they all repeated together , ‘ Me ? ’ and Belle , looking from Rene to Florence , said , ‘ Who does she think is going to wear it , one of us ? ’
22 They both glanced at each other before saying , ‘ Yes ’ together , and when the supervisor said , ‘ Oh , one will do , ’ Maggie on a tired laugh said , ‘ It 's all or nothing . ’
23 As we glanced at each other , we shuddered with apprehension .
24 We glanced at each other , and I pulled a long , apprehensive face .
25 The girls glanced at each other then Anne smiled cheerfully .
26 Huy and Merymose glanced at each other , and withdrew .
27 Algernon and Heinrich glanced at each other .
28 James and Algernon glanced at each other .
29 They glanced at each other , and the same recognition struck them both .
30 Both young men then glanced at each other , clamming up in some embarrassment as they recalled that the fortune they were at this moment vying for had been lost by Benedict Beckenham , for the story of the will was naturally common knowledge among his intimates .
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