Example sentences of "[vb past] at i [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He shouted at me so I sat under the table and waited for him to put some food down .
2 He came at me again and I could tell he was gonig to make another stab at a heavy masculine embrace .
3 She really believed I would put up with anything she threw at me just so I could possess her .
4 Kodiak barked a farewell , the moose antlers seemed to wave and the ripples on Lough Corrib frowned at me reproachfully .
5 Kodiak , Mrs Knelle 's huge shaggy Alsatian , barked at me excitedly but was soon soothed by his mistress .
6 He glanced at me strangely .
7 He must have sensed that I was looking at him , he suddenly glanced at me out of the corner of his eyes and , still cleaning the mess tin with his finger , he said quietly , ‘ Why are you staring at me like that , Piper ?
8 She glanced at me quickly .
9 She must have become conscious of my appraisal , because she suddenly turned and glanced at me directly .
10 He glanced at me sideways , smiling .
11 He glanced at me sharply .
12 Sergei and Masha nodded , and glanced at me queryingly .
13 " She was letting a visitor out of the front door and she waved at me gaily .
14 He stared at me intently .
15 She stared at me furiously .
16 Pagan gods , birds and beasts sacred to the Celts of old stared at me sagely from every hand .
17 The Feldwebel stared at me blankly , his farewell smile still stuck on his face like an old label on a trunk .
18 He stared at me blankly as I held him forward until the spasm passed .
19 She stared at me blankly for a moment , then turned and went back to the sitting room .
20 And she did n't like going out with me any more because of the way they all stared at me anyhow , I could n't go most places looking like this , could I ?
21 He stopped when I approached , stared at me implacably with his yellow eyes .
22 The dragon answered belligerently to his knock and stared at me disapprovingly .
23 He stared at me tragically , the yellow whites of his eyes blood-shot .
24 He stared at me very hard for a moment .
25 He stared at me sombrely .
26 blinked at me blearily as I told him we had better ring the hospital .
27 I wanted to shout " Good luck Julie ! " to her , but I dare n't , in case the others laughed at me too .
28 Benjamin looked at me suspiciously .
29 ’ She looked at me suspiciously .
30 There was no one about and he kissed my cheek and looked at me speechlessly .
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