Example sentences of "[vb past] at i [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Liz , the receptionist , peered at me over the top of her pink-rimmed spectacles .
2 More often than not the face peered at me through leaves .
3 Then he took the binoculars and peered at me through them .
4 Aunt Louise peered at me from almost sightless eyes .
5 He gaped at me in silly bliss .
6 His dark eyes flickered at me like a long sooty flame , then he looked down again .
7 He squinted at me through his spectacles .
8 She exploded at me in the hospital .
9 ‘ Shaun was getting really worked up and red and actually came at me with a pool cue , ’ says Gedge .
10 And then when I fell and was trying to get up , he came at me with a knife and that 's when you opened the door and — Oh , Mamma ! ’
11 I was told they sent for a nurse who came at me with a needle so I grabbed her by the breast and threw her down on the hors d'oeuvres .
12 He got up and came at me with surprising speed , but suddenly the Hispaniola hit the sand and went over on one side .
13 I tried to drive on , but he came at me with some story of having run out of petrol .
14 She came at me with a stool in her hand — who do you think was terrified then ?
15 Quigley gave what I can only describe as an eldritch screech and came at me with both arms , legs and the front bit of his head .
16 She came at me like a madwoman .
17 Cherry said : ‘ He came at me like a man possessed .
18 The woman smiled and nodded at me through the noise that made a surrounding silence .
19 He frowned at me with a long look in which I read nothing .
20 That name clearly struck a chord in McIllvanney , for he frowned at me for a few seconds , but the chord must have faded for he shrugged it off .
21 Kodiak the Alsatian barked at me for a few minutes , and gave up in resignation .
22 Erica grinned at me like a witch , saying , ‘ You 're much too physical for the literati . ’
23 He grinned at me in the gloom , and introduced himself as if I might recognize the name .
24 I fell in love with a boy with a crew cut who came to mend our roof with the window cleaner who grinned at me in my rollers and the boy in Vallance 's record shop with a sport face .
25 He had hesitated , then glanced at me with a gravity that did not quite hide the smile behind it .
26 Old Red looked up from the floor , and glanced at me before answering .
27 She glanced at me in an odd way .
28 Sometimes he grunted at me as if trying to get me to say something , but always I had to give him the same classroom answer : ‘ Ich verstehe nicht . ’
29 The rising tower of debris blossomed and drifted , starting to fall as the shockwave pulsed at me from the dune .
30 ( He gawped at me as if I 'd told him to swim the Atlantic . )
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