Example sentences of "[vb past] on her [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Caterina twisted and beat on her sister 's back with her fists .
2 She knelt on her knees , as Mandy had explained , resting her haunches against the wooden seat .
3 Guns N' Roses fan Hendley , who has the rock group 's rose trademark tattooed on her leg , told the court : ‘ He was like a sex drug .
4 She was held up briefly in the final when the in-form Sanchez-Vicario swept to a 4–1 lead ( and deservedly so ) and yet Martina , the grass court player supreme , merely drew on her experience , stepped up a gear , kept her nerve and won 5 games in a row to deflate the Spanish challenge .
5 She drew on her cigarette .
6 Liz Spalding shook her head as she drew on her cigarette .
7 She tapped and drew on her cigarette .
8 And anyway , ’ she drew on her cigarette and smiled through the smoke , ‘ you never intended that .
9 In the early evening , Hari restlessly drew on her shawl .
10 It drew on her visit to her brothers Raymond and Saxton during the Klondyke gold rush .
11 Hari shivered a little as she drew on her underclothes , then her thick skirt and bodice , lastly pulling the welcoming warmth of the shawl around her slim shoulders .
12 Tamar sighed and drew on her gloves .
13 She scribbled on her napkin the words , ‘ For God 's sake say something ’ , and , having folded it carefully , passed it up through the guests to the Prime Minister himself .
14 The motion was proposed by Mrs Lemass , who reported on her committee 's deliberations .
15 She felt the weight of something fastened on her head , circling her brow .
16 His grip firmed on her shoulders , and she was shaken by the feeling of warm strength that seemed to pour into her as he lowered his head to kiss her again .
17 His name trembled on her lips once more , no longer a name but an endearment , a paean to the deep spring of emotion which was gushing through her , banishing logical thought , obliterating words like ‘ giving ’ and ‘ taking ’ , replacing them with ‘ sharing ’ .
18 A smile trembled on her lips .
19 The question trembled on her tongue .
20 Ruth wondered if she was gazing at the dark whiskers which sprouted on her chin and made her so appropriately , though unfortunately , named .
21 She stopped on her journey , and sat down in the street under one of the sparse trees , to try to let the queasiness ebb away .
22 I sucked on her love like a leech .
23 Stella did too — ; after all , she was one of them — until a picture grew in her head of Dawn Allenby in St Ives 's bed-sitter , cheeks hollowed as she sucked on her peppermints , the gas fire burning blue , those unwrapped , unwanted flowers lying on the table .
24 Christine sucked on her cigarette .
25 A shower of gritty dust pattered on her face .
26 Blushing rosily , unable to look at him , Luce concentrated on her breakfast .
27 To avoid introspection she concentrated on her surroundings .
28 She concentrated on her drink to hide her embarrassment , deciding that whisky was all right .
29 He concentrated on her breasts , small and soft , tipped so brightly in their red , moving in her agitation .
30 She concentrated on her potato , gouging out its deep black eye with the serrated tip of her knife .
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