Example sentences of "[vb past] that you could " in BNC.

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1 Turning from downwind to base at around 500 feet I found that you could almost pull the throttle completely back and make a glide approach .
2 The good care there 's one other thing that we talked briefly about in the signs and symptoms and what happened that you could check for you look at a baby , what else do you do ?
3 Einstein 's paper showed that you could directly observe individual quanta .
4 Guards were either abruptly mistrustful or effusively friendly when they discovered that you could speak their language .
5 I heard that you could buy anything from silver shoes to precious pewter , choose from a selection of 85 old thimbles or 150 foreign book matches , or pounce , if you were lucky , on beautiful buckles made from George IV or Victorian crown pieces .
6 erm This also meant that you could n't move around very fast , the clothes were so tightly made , that for a large part of the time , you were immobile and glad to be , glad to be so .
7 What he most liked , so he explained , was the feeling that from that proximate stretch , you felt that you could set sail , if the impulse took you , to any part of the world .
8 And after all , I knew that you could n't plead a prior engagement . ’
9 I simply phoned them and erm they put , they put it up so that I could buy things on Access that I could get , well I mean those were the days when I knew that you could sell a house like
10 The same if you were thinking of murdering this person and you knew that you could be traced you 'd bloody think twice if you were gon na be hanged or chaired .
11 If the wolf were sick , mother , and I thought that you could . ’
12 And what the difference is that er , we thought that you could have one young person per district and that they only have to pay thirty two pounds each , but I think these are only purely
13 He was noticing everything , the way the light played on a broken brick in the wall opposite and sometimes it looked hollow and sometimes it looked a bulge , which proved that you could n't say that what you saw , however carefully , scientifically , you analysed it , was a scientific fact .
14 The restructuring school answered that you could not do that anyway , because the importance of a variable precisely depended on the wider context in which it was operating , but the most important contextual reason was probably manufacturing industry 's need to cut costs in face of newly increasing competition .
15 I decided that anything which said that you could have as much mayonnaise , avocados and nuts as you like and still do yourself good must be worth trying !
16 The children who were with him that night said that you could hear his screams three blocks away .
17 Unfortunately that empty but we had a little light entertainment when you first came here er especially the way you rode your bicycles er we , we sincerely hoped that you could fly your aeroplanes a little better than that .
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