Example sentences of "[vb past] with his [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is a pity that the extent of his involvement with the introduction of monks into Bury St Edmunds is uncertain , although it apparently occurred with his licence .
2 Ronnie , 45 , made a good impression as he posed with his wife Jo , 36 , at a New York party .
3 TAKE That 's heart-throb Robbie Williams caught with his mouth full trying to break the record the number of cheese and fish paste sandwiches that can be eaten in an hour .
4 A Belgian Count at the battle of Crecy charged with his hours into the enemy ranks without regard for his life and perished .
5 Dougal 's voice rose with his excitement .
6 The prince chatted and joked with his well-wishers before he and his coach party met another group of community representatives and private and public sector figures who had earlier made a tour of the estate .
7 By 1702 , the house and grounds were held by Richard Boyle , the third Earl of Burlington , also the fourth Earl of Cork , who travelled extensively and had many influential friends , including Alexander Pope , who was considered to be head of the literary world and who moved with his parents , in 1716 , to the end house of Dr. Matthias Mawson 's new buildings ( Mawson Row ) , that end house being on the corner of Chiswick Lane and a lane that later became known as Mawson Lane ( now obliterated by the dual carriageway of the Great West Road Extension A.4. ) ; that end house , in due course , becoming a Public House named Fox and Hounds , following Alexander Pope 's removal to Strawberry Hill at Twickenham .
8 After studying law at the Inns of Court in London he was called to the bar in 1985 and moved with his wife Carole-Ann to Eaglescliffe .
9 In 1852 he moved with his mother to Sheffield , where she died after a few months .
10 In the meantime he had resigned from the excise and moved with his family to London , where the firm of Aeneas Coffey & Sons was established in 1835 for the manufacture of the new still .
11 During the ‘ Killing Times ’ of the 1880s , when the Covenanters were being hunted down and killed mercilessly , the father fled with his family to Ireland , where they stayed for several years , probably until after James II and VII was deposed in 1688 .
12 Through it all , Gwion paced with his pate shining in harassment and a gaggle of attendants in his wake seeking instructions , advice and permission .
13 The rosaries and crucifixes of four drowned priests , the contraband smuggled aboard , perhaps by a doomed explorer and his soldiers , and a crested silver dish , belonging to a Spanish grandee who perished with his wife and teenage daughter , were all salvaged .
14 He describes how one of Eadwine 's sons , Osfrith , perished with his father and another , Eadfrith , surrendered to Penda , while the queen , accompanied by Paulinus , took flight for Kent with her daughter , Eanflaed , and her young son , Uscfrea , and Osfrith 's young son , Yffi .
15 He stopped with his hands full of water ; it dripped and fell in little runnels on the earth , but he did not notice .
16 Sitting up , he was overcome with one of those slow yawns that seem like a prolonged agony , which he stopped with his hand , murmuring , when sufficient oxygen had been inhaled , that he was not yet properly awake .
17 Sugden approached with his horse brasses jangling and his kilt lifting in the breeze revealing his Union Jack boxer shorts .
18 RETIRED gardener Eric Lawes was today looking forward to a glowing future as a probable multi-millionaire after a coroner 's jury decided that a hoard of 14,000 Roman coins and jewellery he found with his metal detector is treasure trove .
19 The whingeing , as they see it , that takes place in the British press angers many West Indians , as Viv Richards demonstrated with his outburst in Antigua during the last Test of 1989–90 .
20 The wind whipped droplets of condensation into his face , where they mingled with his tears .
21 As usual he mingled with his guests , with whom he remained until just after ten o'clock .
22 It is also true that I disagreed with his choice of menu , but that is hardly cause for murder . ’
23 He had not found a single Tory MP who disagreed with his efforts to ameliorate the introduction of the tax in England and Wales next April .
24 He can be assured , if that is so , that even those who disagreed with his decision will work together to make it a great success .
25 Among them , she included the daughter of a law professor in Bologna , a certain Novella , who had been taught by her father , ‘ not quite sixty years ago ’ , because he disagreed with his contemporaries prejudice against women 's education .
26 After an inquiry , the Secretary of State disagreed with his inspector and decided that these general office purposes should be permitted .
27 They were both letters in Ash 's flowing hand , both headed with his Great Russell Street address and dated , June 21st .
28 Crawford said at the time that he identified with his character because he felt that the enthusiasm and initiative of youth was often undervalued by the older generation .
29 Depressed by what he perceived as a work-shy post-war Britain , Braham in May 1952 sailed with his wife and his three young sons to take up a commission in the Royal Canadian Air Force .
30 ‘ Petr suffered with his parents divorcing when he was 13 , ’ says Zednick .
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