Example sentences of "[vb past] that [pron] know " in BNC.

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1 Shouted that he knew I was inside .
2 She was ‘ extremely upset ’ and shouted that she knew they would not believe her and left the workshop .
3 They found that he knew what he wanted ; that he was persuasive in trying to get it ; that what he wanted was good ; and they suddenly realized that this new young professor dragged them into the twentieth century .
4 They reported that they knew of no matter involving her in any way and asked for a description of the white identification cards .
5 When this eagerly awaited party actually happened , it had been going forty minutes before Dad and I realized that we knew virtually no one there .
6 Then he caught Epitot 's eye , and realized that he knew it too .
7 She thought she knew herself very well , but faced with God she realized that she knew virtually nothing .
8 I viewed A&R men the same way and when I met them I realised that they knew even less than I thought they knew .
9 He realised that he knew even less about the father than the son .
10 Everything about him , from the sleek black head to the jutting strength of his jawline , to the broad , strong , self-satisfied bulk of him at ease in the chair , announced that he knew in the fibre of his being that his touch was anything but abhorrent to her .
11 ‘ He did n't realize he 'd dropped a brick when he admitted that he knew where we were going .
12 As for the race itself , Kinane added that he knew he would win some way from home and had enjoyed a trouble-free run throughout .
13 The King added that he knew MacDonald could depend on Conservative and Liberal support , and he agreed to preside over a meeting of the three party leaders on the following day .
14 Referring to her disgraced son-in-law as ‘ Mr Mellor ’ , she added that she knew of his decision to resign ‘ some time ago ’ .
15 The roars of laughter told that they knew the sergeant was right to suspect moonlighting ; something which is quite common to the lower ranks of the RUC because many have a background as skilled tradespeople .
16 The Doctor muttered that he knew best and that life was rarely logical .
17 If we also assume that my neighbour assumed that I knew these facts about the world , and that I interpreted her words according to the co-operative principle , then we can also see why the way she actually phrased her request is not only true and relevant , but also brief and clear .
18 she assumed that I knew about the abilities and feelings of humans and cats , about houses , territory , and the socially stereotyped roles of women and men .
19 We therefore assumed that he knew what he was doing , and got on with our work as well .
20 Okay in Italy on the marble it does work , but on the slate it you know it it has n't worked and I think various quarries have tried it and found out that it does n't work , and yet he assumed that he knew better and you know , little little things like that , you know he just seemed unwilling to learn or lis heed advice .
21 ‘ Nothing happened that I know of .
22 MacArthur understood the danger from the Soviet Union and now stated that he knew a Soviet promise to observe Japanese neutrality could not be relied on .
23 Lt Cot Hocevar stated that he knew of these plans , but that he considered that Carinthia was not part of Austria .
24 He confirmed that you knew nothing about any of it .
25 For example , a county GRIST coordinator ( formerly a mathematics teacher ) who claimed that he knew of the Report but had not read it , made the following eloquent and not untypical statement :
26 Charles Lambe claimed that he knew of some Dissenters who " will not touch either Food or Raiment , that was not bought in the Shop of a Fanatick .
27 Olson , in several illwritten but splendidly honest verse diatribes against MUZAK , showed that he knew that fear and hatred as well as any of us .
28 Sherriffe , a raw bustling wing , also showed that he knew his way to the line , but perhaps it was fitting that the elusive Purdy should be credited with his side 's final try .
29 She saw his eyes go to the coat fixture , and guessed that he knew the jacket hanging there belonged to Travis when he went and took it from its hanger .
30 He told the recruiting officer that he 'd been a sergeant in the Boer War and boasted that he knew more about the Army than all these whipper-snappers who were waiting to join with him .
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