Example sentences of "[vb past] was for him " in BNC.

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1 Luke Calder was used to getting what he wanted from life , and the last thing she needed was for him to turn his sights on to her , even though it might only be to put her back in her place !
2 All she wanted was for him to leave and take his tantalising , lying promises away with him .
3 All he wanted was for him to put out the cigarette ; he knew he would just go on suffering the strangled air .
4 All they wanted was for him to sit still as a stone — to be a piece of scenery , a decoration like one of the stone angels he had watched the Mason carve , up in the roofs of churches .
5 Frankly , the last thing she wanted was for him to come too close .
6 In that instant all she wanted was for him to take her in his arms again ; to know the sweet pressure of his mouth on hers and to feel once more the way her body had come alive beneath his hands .
7 The last thing she wanted was for him to know just how badly his words had affected her .
8 Deal or no mysterious deal , now that it had been established that he had not tracked her down all she wanted was for him to go .
9 Now all she wanted was for him to go , so she could sit down and think it over .
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