Example sentences of "[vb past] it [prep] their " in BNC.

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1 The band 's chief songwriters Calum and Rory Macdonald described it as their most outstanding to date .
2 But the fight did not prevent the fundamental beliefs in the nation and ‘ the historic integrity of the island of Ireland ’ , as nationalist parties described it in their New Ireland Forum ( 1983 — 4 : i. 28 ) , from remaining basic to the perceptions of both parties .
3 They caught it in their onrush .
4 The rulers promptly monopolized it for their own regalia and as a medium for bestowing honour and obligations on their retainers .
5 They built it as their headquarters of York .
6 This happened to such an extent that the Census Commissioners mentioned it in their returns .
7 What was once the abbey 's guest-house had been increasing in size and grandeur as successive monarchs used it for their Edinburgh residence .
8 ‘ Just a long stone room but legend has it that the Templars used it for their mysteries .
9 The film crew had leased a large hangar at Ford Island and used it as their headquarters during the filming .
10 I 'd been amazed that in London you could buy ready-made couscous in packets , and that the English used it in their cooking .
11 This was well known during the last century because the pioneers used it in their flintlock guns .
12 When Edward Heath and the Conservatives took the country into membership , the Foreign Office officials regarded it as their very own special triumph .
13 Do n't think that releasing it through your local record shop is the answer — just ask DNA what happened when they tried it with their version of Tom 's Diner shortly before the A&M rep visited the shop .
14 The Committee had been appointed to consider the Foreign Office only and , although they heard a considerable amount of evidence about rebuilding the War Department as part of the denigration of Pennethorne , they specifically excluded it from their Report .
15 I think the wives found it to their benefit to get amongst other wives who were sharing the same problems you know , how to pay the bills , how to buy food , and I think they seemed to get organized pretty well , they certainly helped us a hell of a lot .
16 Although there was initially some resistance on the part of manufacturers to the development of the variety multiples , they eventually found it to their advantage to deal directly with them .
17 Lairds , and even peers , found it worth their while to seek the attention of their friends among the lords of parliament when an appeal in which they were concerned was about to be considered .
18 An officer who had lived on Guernsey also made a reconnaissance of that island before Ronnie Tod and John Durnford-Slater visited it in their July raid the same year .
19 In 1982–83 , 40 per cent of divorced women ( who had not remarried ) were receiving some maintenance ; 23 per cent received it for their children only , 12 per cent for their children and themselves and 3 per cent for themselves only .
20 I ordered it at the branch of the Times Library then housed in Elliston and Cavell 's , the nearest equivalent to Harrods in the Oxford of pre-war years , and remember with what excitement I received it from their admirable librarian Miss Lush ( now Lady Ormerod ) at the end of my day 's work in the Bodleian .
21 The mods were already into this music and the skins adopted it as their own .
22 The prosecution argued that the Newleys had driven down together from London ; after the murder , Mrs Newley had driven back in her husband 's car , and parked it near their home ; no doubt she hoped that the trip to Hampshire would never come to light .
23 Fanned it with their own hatred . ’
24 " It 's as though the bio-tech industry had given the Commission its wish-list , and the Commission turned it into their basic position paper " said MEP Hiltrud Breyer .
25 Seurat , Dufy , Utrillo and Pissarro celebrated it in their paintings ; Apollinaire , in his poetry , saw it as a shepherdess guarding her flock — of bridges and Jean Cocteau praised it as " the Notre-Dame of the Left Bank " .
26 Indians have discarded the Empire ; they have clung to the language of the imperialists and shaped it in their own manner .
27 He used almost völkisch language , claiming that the Romanians ( unlike the Hungarian , German and other minorities ) were ‘ autochthonous ’ : ‘ They did not come from elsewhere , they did not fall down from the sky ; they were born and lived here , in this land , and they defended it with their blood . ’
28 They then wrapped it in linen and concealed it about their person : to jade a horse they touched him in the pit of the shoulder with the frog 's bone : to release the horse they touched him on the rump .
29 As Birmingham abolitionists expressed it at their celebratory public breakfast in the Town Hall on 2 August 1838 , with slaves ‘ relying on their own peaceful and persevering efforts for the removal of every vestige of oppression ’ and with ‘ the continued vigilant aid of the British people , under the blessing of Divine Providence ’ they foresaw ‘ the progressive development of the glorious results of free institutions and the reconstruction on purer and better principles of the now disorganised elements of colonial society ’ .
30 ‘ Charles was told that they owed it to their hosts to give of their professional best , ’ a royal aide said yesterday .
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