Example sentences of "[vb past] to school at " in BNC.

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1 A child who came to school at the age of five dirty and smelling of urine would never be able to benefit from the experience of school if , as a consequence , she were shunned and rejected by her classmates .
2 Mrs Elsie Morgan had travelled on the train on her honeymoon in 1920 ; Lady More recalled some of Sir Jasper 's memories ; Colonel Sykes remembered that , as a boy , the engine driver used to allow him to drive the train when he returned to school at the beginning of term ; and Mrs Lucy Hemmings had regularly tested the milk carried by the train for the Creamery .
3 Children who never went to school at all would pick up quite a lot of immediately useful knowledge ; from television and radio , moreover , they might acquire quite a lot of not obviously useful , relatively esoteric bits of information , about history , for example , or natural history .
4 Jenny went to school at a tiny schoolhouse in the dale attended mostly by farmers ' children , but out of school she had no one at all to play with , so she had to amuse herself as best she could .
5 Doris and Jim went to school at the same time as me .
6 John , Junior , went to school at Nottingham and — briefly — to the University of Edinburgh .
7 You went to school at nine o'clock , you came home at twelve , you went back at two and you came home at half past four .
8 Daddy must have been quite young when he left , because he went to school at North Stainmore .
9 After a year at Royston College , Sydney , he went to school at Brighton College in England .
10 and erm I went to school at then at the later part of my life I went to Hemel Hempstead and then I left only for four months and went to er work for an ironmonger at ten shillings a week .
11 I went to school at ordinary time from as a kid and then up to till you 're about eight years old , then from eight years eight , nine , then you , I went to for about last four years .
12 All the different schools had er cos then we had , used to compete against er all sports and we used to get an afternoon football we used to march from up to the and erm play football but we did n't go up there until at half-time at erm play-time so they went to school at two o'clock and at half past three then that 'd be our break , then we 'd go up to erm football till five o'clock .
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