Example sentences of "[vb past] to [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 The Anglo.American Cataloguing Rules , prepared jointly by the Library Association , the American Library Association , the Canadian Library Association and the Library of Congress , were published in 1967 with some sixty-six pages devoted to rules for non-book materials , and dissatisfaction with these rules produced further publications from the Canadian Library Association ( Riddle 1970 ; Weihs , Lewis and Macdonald 1973 ) , the Department of Audio-Visual Instruction of the National Education Association ( 1968 ) , and the very impressive LA/NCET rules issued by the Library Association and the ( then ) National Council for Educational Technology ( 1973 ) .
2 The most likely development is that studios will imitate the music business and create separate divisions devoted to films for black audiences , where black producers who know their market best will determine what films are made .
3 As he imposed his geometrical grid of drainage ditches across the newly filled-in estuary of the Traeth , it occurred to Madocks for a brief , but anxious , moment that the whole project resembled ‘ Dutch gardening ’ ; but in no time the poet Shelley arrived to help him with his endeavours , declaiming on the ‘ poetry of engineering ’ .
4 It was much the same when it came to doctors for the people .
5 Youngsters , who have in the past turned to parents for guidance and example , have their confidence seriously undermined by their seniors ' inability to offer any sort of explanation or hope .
6 AMERICAN investment attention yesterday turned to prospects for first quarter earnings figures after job figures failed to provide firmer indications about economic recovery .
7 This led to calls for the resignation of the president of the University of Utah , and suggestions of unethical behaviour .
8 This led to calls for the reassertion of the values and practices of the Tokugawa period , or rather of those that the ruling élite regarded as according to the needs of post-1868 Japan .
9 The losses led to calls for the resignation of the national leadership .
10 At the same time the severity of the recession led to demands for much greater state intervention in industry .
11 Beasant , 33 , was booed every time he touched the ball after his errors led to goals for Robins and Phillips .
12 This led to elections for a new Constituent Assembly in which the Christian Democrats emerged as the strongest party , had one of their leaders — Georges Bidault — made premier , and were then able to draw up a constitution better suited to their tastes .
13 To ensure the Bill 's smooth passage through Parliament , they readily agreed to concessions for farmers and fox hunters .
14 He went to rehearsals for his new plays , of course , but he was always happy to hurry home again .
15 When I did this course ( in 1988 at Lewisham College ) I went to tutorials for three hours twice a week , at which theory was taught , and we engaged in teaching exercises assessed by our peers and tutors .
16 The comic dimension of a line like ‘ Caroline and I went to Lockets for the husbands ’ and wives ' left-wing dinner' will have passed him by ; he is as earnest as he is sanctimonious .
17 Cos I went to shops for milk .
18 When I looked to films for information on sexual and romantic matters they were not much help either .
19 Then the election campaign began and production fell by five per cent as they listened to politicians for hour after hour .
20 The annual report which head teachers make to the school 's governing body is now ( as a consequence of the provisions of the 1986 Education Act ) presented to parents for discussion at an open meeting ; school records are available for inspection .
21 Bush promised that the idea would be studied carefully , and also acceded to requests for negotiations on higher quotas for Turkish textile imports to the USA and on greater US military aid .
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