Example sentences of "[vb past] over [pers pn] and " in BNC.

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1 Her mother 's eyes were open and Helen bent over her and reassured her .
2 He bent over her and kissed her .
3 He bent over her and a little muddy water dripped from his hair .
4 Harry bent over it and kissed her , nearly overbalancing .
5 A short , wiry Lebanese in his fifties , Talar lived aboard a partially finished 81-foot yacht , King Edmondo , with a tall , blonde Danish woman who towered over him and was known locally as ‘ Foofoo ’ , as she was thought to be somewhat strange .
6 At the hotel , Damian guided her into the lift , towered over her and said thickly , ‘ May I suggest a nightcap in my room ? ’
7 And then she knelt over him and the round childish face with its bush of bright hair shut out the sky .
8 She hit the blancmange of the shoreline , bounced over it and flew sprawling into some bushes .
9 The great white wings wafted over her and she slept .
10 Hades came over her and wrapped her close
11 The awfulness of what she had done came over her and she began to cry too .
12 He climbed over it and disappeared .
13 At last she stepped over it and went down , half thinking it might snap off her leg in passing .
14 Enya 's grandparents are buried there , and she often talked to Roma about her feelings that her grandparents watched over her and guided her still .
15 But we got over it and I finished my school at fourteen and came back to work at home .
16 So anyway , she got over it and all she had to do she she tell her to stay in bed now for s so many days but she 'd be up again the following day and then the nurse 'd come and have a look under her feet and she 'd say you been up again she 'd say .
17 I nearly fell over him and he turned round , but I did n't really see his face in the dark , or if I did , I blocked it out I was so scared .
18 A shadow fell over them and neither of them had to look up to know who it was .
19 Like , my dad le , like I was doing the crossword or something my dad leant over me and I went , yeah , oh really !
20 I sat up and leant over him and grabbed my bag .
21 Born free , oh by the way I went to that study centre , I went to that study centre and she looked at it she asked me what spilt over it and she said oh it 's still readable and she said well done for coming to er
22 I leaned over him and said in a different tone , " Do you know where Toby is ? "
23 She leaned over him and kissed him gently on the corner of his mouth .
24 He crashed into a table , somersaulted over it and landed heavily on the carpet .
25 The only time the mother spent with the boy was during meal-times and she had become so anxious about him eating sufficient quantities that she hovered over him and interfered with his eating pattern .
26 Kevin said : ‘ The front wheels ran over him and he got caught by one leg .
27 His mouth closed over hers and at the same time his body abruptly demanded entry .
28 She tried to murmur his name , but the soft sound became a groan as his mouth closed over hers and she was lost .
29 The old woman lay in her hammock , sleeping ; it was a time when she had taken a heavy dose , and he was able to lead Ariel out and let her walk before him , now and then turning to make sure he was not about to do something to her , put a halter on her or hit her , and she made for the fence and pointed over it and asked him with her hands and eyes if she could go there , beyond the stockade , into the receding forest , where the bromeliads pushed out their stiff blades , and the monkeys nibbled at mango fruits and threw them down when they were unripe with tiny rows of toothmarks like some sharp-fanged fairy child 's , where the birds of many colours screeched .
30 Then he crouched over it and squared up to an imaginary ball .
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