Example sentences of "[vb past] how he have " in BNC.

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1 The sentence comes from an essay called Eztetyke du Rêve , an eccentric spelling of Esthétique du Rêve ( ‘ Aesthetic of the Dream' ) in which , building on the idea that ‘ the dream is the only right which can not be forbidden ’ , Glauber Rocha described how he had come to realise the revolutionary importance of the mystical in Latin American popular culture .
2 On another occasion he described how he had ‘ once spent several hours on a bicycle with a friend in a serious attempt to discover the real spot but the search ended in failure though tourists assure me positively that they found it without difficulty ’ .
3 Still detached from the actual sensations , she described how he had gone under the water and then come to the surface again several times before finally drowning .
4 To add insult to injury , he had even turned down paying pupils in order to give free lessons to Aloysia ; and with supreme lack of tact he even described how he had begun an aria for the tenor Raaff , only to turn it into one for Aloysia instead .
5 One leading search consultant described how he had once mistakenly presented the wrong candidate for a job .
6 The millionaire proudly handed the superintendent the cage and , while winding up the clockwork mechanism , described how he had bought it at a country auction in Warwickshire .
7 With more petulance then penitence he described how he had noticed Sean 's knife as the barman was called away to serve a customer .
8 Rapidly he described how he had gone to the paper with two missions that Friday afternoon : to deliver his column to Tavett and to tackle MacQuillan about the increasing anger among the print unions .
9 Jerry Bailey typically articulate was being asked about his success on Ah Kong He described how he had moved alongside a European ridden horse .
10 He described how he had been contracted by the CIA to fly to Aguacate , a Contra base in Honduras with 28,000 pounds of military equipment .
11 The aide , Masahisa Haibara , described how he had handled $500 million yen ( US$1.00=123.642 yen as at Dec. 14 , 1993 ) in undeclared cash donations on behalf of Kanemaru 's office .
12 Christopher Taylor blinked back tears as he described how he had arrived at the hospital to find his son , seven-week-old Liam , had suffered a mysterious collapse .
13 Another witness , taxi driver David Harvey described how he 'd seen two cars flashing by , about three feet apart , in the opposite direction .
14 The obituaries published in Britain , on the Continent and in America all acknowledged him as the originator of military precision dancing and reported how he had dominated a whole era of show business .
15 The New York Times demonstrated how he had made little impact on the movie world , until that point in time , with the observation that the lawyer Hanson was ‘ … played by Jack Nicholson whose sharp , regular features may be vaguely familiar to kids who go and watch drive-in movies . ’
16 Tony also mentioned how he had visited a local centre for the young unemployed which he had seen advertised in the local newspaper .
17 I noticed how he had slipped his feet under the exposed roots of trees — themselves held in the grasp of the hollow .
18 There is still an abyss or several to be crossed , but the bishop was applauded with vast intensity as he told how he had demanded the release of the 150 people reckoned to have been arrested during the street fighting , and had been told that complaints of police brutality would be investigated if the names of the victims were submitted in writing to the authorities .
19 Dr Bellamy gave a spirited call for the preservation of an area he considers to be one of the top 10 botanical sites in the world and told how he had sat in the rainforest imagining he was a dinosaur .
20 Last year , Thomas asked for a Mental Health Review Tribunal — and told how he had staged his madman act .
21 And a witness told how he had seen looters running through evacuated apartments hunting for anything they could carry away .
22 Yesterday , PC John Jobson , 33 , told how he had become the latest statistic in the soaring number of knife-related offences .
23 At his solicitor 's office in Camden , north London , he told how he had been arrested when about 15 police officers came to his rented flat at 6am one morning in January , nearly three months after the bombing .
24 During the trial Mr O'Donnell told how he had agreed to go with McPherson , who had driven him to a lay-by at the Rest and Be Thankful on the A83 road , where men he recognised had been waiting in a van .
25 PC Andrew Ness , of Tayside Police , told how he had been on the road block looking for another vehicle when a white Cavalier had burst through .
26 A BOY yesterday told how he had developed dizzy spells and a craving for chocolate soon after a nurse accused of murdering four children came to live at his home .
27 A lady in Pierremont shared our misgivings ‘ in its present form the scheme is in a non-starter in Darlington ’ and a chap round Carmel Road way told how he 'd tried in vain to interest either police or neighbours in a scheme .
28 When he recalled how he had felt on first seeing her he had to push the sinful thoughts out of his mind .
29 In 1940 , Joyce recalled how he had attended a pre-war dinner of English historians , at which the ‘ fifth-rate ’ G. P. Gooch ‘ assured his frightened colleagues that Hitler would amount to nothing … .
30 It also isolated how he has approached the tricky transfer to the screen : ‘ Theatre is the art of suggestion and not of statement … the cinema has to produce complete images . ’
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