Example sentences of "[vb past] me [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Then , said he , ‘ Would the comrade who interrupted me please stand up ! ’
2 So I did n't know anything about it you know , till somebody asked me Well asked me really , Mr 's going away is n't he ?
3 Seconds later , he asked me urgently to bring over a large roll of cotton-wool .
4 ‘ Yer muvver asked me ter come round an' tell yer .
5 He got me so riled I lost a race this afternoon I should have won .
6 ‘ It actually , ’ said Emma , raising a hand to her face and brushing it across her eyes , ‘ made me rather weep , listening to her .
7 At this time still a regular smoker , I made one film which made me drastically change my views about it .
8 That made me just want revenge .
9 You felt my star-sign made me somehow to blame
10 What made me finally decide to insist on this was when I realized that had you been a man , Miranda , or had I not been personally involved with you , I would n't have hesitated to ask for these shares . ’
11 That episode made me quickly learn how to repair a puncture and from that time on I always carried a repair outfit .
12 It made me suddenly realise how much they had changed .
13 One such example is : ( 189 ) … the cry which made me suddenly to re-enter the dimension of distinctness .
14 So it looks awfully fresh the wretches made me almost squashed it .
15 That experience angered and frustrated me sufficiently to consider coming to this place to try to change the evil which the right hon. Member for Finchley ( Mrs. Thatcher ) was letting loose on decent families in decent communities .
16 But there was nothing around that moved me enough to go out and change things .
17 Presently he drew me aside to suggest that if I would like to give him a certain sum his wife and daughter would go immediately and prepare a gypsy supper .
18 ‘ Doone phoned me yesterday to say he 'd been to the boatyard and taken away some objects for which he would give me a receipt . ’
19 And I was fortunate : no one ever stopped me either to ask me for my identity card or to see what I had in my bag .
20 I 'd have taken in lodgers only for the war , but the solicitor advised me just to close the place up for the time being .
21 The girl who woke me also made my drink .
22 It pleased me immeasurably to know that he could sense the difference now , the promise of fulfilment , which would be the sweeter , it seemed to me , for having been so long deferred .
23 She told me just to feed him from the other side , so I did , fully expecting my right breast to explode , but it did n't !
24 The council told me just to stay there the weekend .
25 I went to the doctor on the Saturday and he said it was gastroenteritis and prescribed tablets for me for it and told me just to keep up my fluids so I did n't get dehydrated .
26 He told me just to run around and do some starts , which is the way I guess most athletes begin when they join a club .
27 I , I can remember erm when we ever had women in from the country they 'd say , oh yes , y y my mother told me always to take raspberry , raspberry leaf tea .
28 Well , there was a silly ole cow workin' in the office an' when I went in there she give me a dirty look an' told me ter take a seat .
29 ‘ My ole man got upset an' 'e told me ter get rid o' the bloody fing before 'e got 'ome from work ternight. 'E works on the trams , yer see , ’ the woman explained .
30 ‘ Anyway , 'e told me ter get out an' called me a lazy so-an'-so so I stuck one on 'im .
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