Example sentences of "[vb past] me as [art] " in BNC.

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1 Fiona hugged me as a long-lost brother and said Harry still could n't be quite clear in his mind as he was saying now that he remembered drowning .
2 John trained frantically hard with press-ups to increase his strength and , as Pamela Chrimes described it , ‘ used me as a dumbbell until he could cope ’ .
3 After a time they used me as a courier : everybody else on the staff thought they were being watched .
4 It was piece work , and I earned I er The firm payed me as a retaining fee , ten shillings a week , and then was what I earned , you see ?
5 My mother , wild with exasperation , one day again described me as a lump .
6 Does the Chief Secretary remember the October 1974 general election when he was my opponent in West Bromwich and then described me as a militant ?
7 Nour drew me as an English Miss : Ingleesy , prim , uneducated , unsophisticated .
8 Every penny of that meagre capital represented a pleasure foregone , a temptation denied , yet now I found myself wasting it on meals I did n't want with people who regarded me as a poor relative .
9 ‘ I left him because I could n't handle the shadow his expectations threw over me … the way he cast me as a member of his dream .
10 Of course I am not advocating a return to the kind of education that so wounded me as a child .
11 They probably imagined me as the gentleman flasher in the park ! ’
12 I had never really noticed before this common use of the label that identified me as a means to imply wilful ignorance .
13 ‘ I have come , ’ I ventured to say , but the mother-in-law briskly discounted me as a person , and would not let me see the doctor .
14 ‘ It was my father who encouraged me as a high jumper .
15 ‘ Growling horribly close to my ear , he shook me as a terrier dog does a rat , ’ he wrote .
16 ‘ I 'm not as bitter as I was , but I heard a lot of evidence about these war crimes and it really shook me as a young lad .
17 ‘ He said that he could n't pay me because he had to maintain his cash flow for the London opening , but what he would do was to let me regard what he owed me as a stake in the show . ’
18 My own suggestion that we were dealing with a whole nest of Mata Haris was declared plausible but incorrect while Team C , consisting of two middle-aged couples , produced two theories , the second of which named me as a potential mole !
19 One thing that puzzled me as a boy was Mrs. Farrer 's hair — it used to change overnight from snow white to jet black and a few days later it was white again .
20 The GMC called me as an expert witness .
21 I think that because I was wearing dark clothes and not giggling , he saw me as a challenge .
22 ‘ To see if you really feared me , if you truly saw me as a shady villain !
23 You saw me as a challenge — a little harder than the rest , perhaps , but there for the taking , nevertheless .
24 I bet you never saw me as the faithful little wife .
25 My wife supported me , but my in-law 's saw me as an engineer .
26 ‘ Wembley and everything was like a dream , but even before that people treated me as a cult figure .
27 The agent never treated me as a serious buyer because I did n't fit his image of a businessman ’ ) , the adaptation process began .
28 I kept a set of clothes at my Mother 's house — she treated me as a contemporary , so allowed me to do as I wished — and on Friday afternoons , I 'd catch the bus from school to spend the week-end there .
29 They treated me as an intruder . ’
30 Many women admired my strength and the men , slightly awed , treated me as an honorary male .
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