Example sentences of "[vb past] [been] [v-ing] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 When we talked about it at length , I realised that I 'd been using clothes to buoy myself up emotionally , ever since my father left when I was 10 .
2 I mean when you 're on picket line it 's very depressing it 's very heart breaking unless you get some comedian or something you know it gets er y you do n't know what to do with yourself and perhaps they 'd been taking pots of this paint I 'm not saying .
3 I mean I think er , when your blood pressure was found out and you 'd been taking tablets ever , so , I think it 's kept it all under control and you 've , you , we eat a sensible diet .
4 ‘ She said she 'd been peeling onions .
5 From Jeff 's description , she 'd been expecting horns and cloven hoofs !
6 He 'd been watching humans .
7 ‘ I 'd been getting records on tick from Billy for ages , ’ explains Havanna 's Tony Scott , ‘ so I said to him ‘ If I make up a record , would you square up the bill ? ’
8 He 'd been hearing things , Denis had said , and he wanted to know what was going on at Rafferty 's .
9 He 'd been dropping drives at my feet on the beach in practice .
10 Because he 'd been seeing psychiatrists since 1950 he fancied he was an expert on Freud and wanted to sit in on all our discussions .
11 It is a work that could have been written by a man who 'd been writing operas for twenty years and it introduced me to Ben 's remarkable sense of theatre .
12 ‘ He 'd been writing cheques all weekend on a closed account , ’ Vicky says .
13 And the lessons learned were , how to manage projects better than we 'd been managing projects before .
14 Ever since Dad 's death , she 'd been reading letters from her mother singing Romano 's praises , and detailing the dangerous sports she 'd been encouraged to take up by the wretched man …
15 God in heaven , you 'd think we 'd been eating leftovers .
16 ‘ I went on to a party in Cambridge after I 'd been catching swifts , and in the middle of the party a horrible large green thing , a flightless parasitic fly , found on swifts , crawled crabwise out of my hair on to my dinner jacket — it was a dinner jacket sort of party .
17 She apologised of course ; I gathered she 'd been talking quilts with a fellow enthusiast and had forgotten the time .
18 Tonight he 'd been running swabs from the theatres down to the furnace room , in sealed bags and boxes that had been taped and marked with every imaginable hazard warning .
19 Tonight there was a moon , starlight even , and he knew that after a few minutes away from the house it would be possible for her to see with surprising clarity ; but moon or no moon , it seemed to make little difference to her and she 'd been spending hours abroad at even the deepest , darkest point in the cycle .
20 Pascoe realized that he 'd been asking questions that Susan had n't answered .
21 But I 'd been working nights to live on .
22 said they 'd been recording things for her wanting to see what she does see when she 's old .
23 If I 'd been painting shadows they 'd have been blue or grey , but real shadows are n't nearly so simple ! ’
24 They were n't even genuine improvisations : he 'd been scribbling verses all day .
25 You could rarely get a straight answer from any of them , they 'd been dodging questions about his father for so long ; evasion was a way of life with them .
26 That 's why I think people got in debt because they 'd been having things that they could n't afford , I mean er , at one time you was never encouraged to ha er have things , now I mean the minute they see you 're getting low on your , oh have something else , have something else
27 Erm , I had n't actually felt that violent , I 'd been having extremes of emotion all week erm , very high , very low , very very fearful , panic attacks which I 'd never had before in my life .
28 To Zvi , Wine was an upstart — an interloper who had suddenly appeared in the community a year ago ( real name , Zvi had been told , was Benny Wineberg from Brighton ) , set up as a dentist , and by charging ludicrously low fees had been taking clients from Zvi .
29 She had a way of looking slightly obliquely at me , as if she knew something I did not — not anything to do with the role she was playing , but about life in general ; as if she too had been taking lessons from the stone head .
30 I felt my lip curl , and the inside of my mouth dry out and tighten as if I had been sucking lemons .
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