Example sentences of "[vb past] [Wh det] [is] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It was first given precision by Robert Hooke , a contemporary of Newton , who proposed what is now called Hooke 's law , namely that stress is proportional to strain .
2 You seen what 's on tonight ?
3 At the meeting the VHPB reviewed what is actually happening in different countries against what is recommended .
4 I shall not enter into a detailed discussion of this Labour government , its programme and effects , but it should be noted that over the years to 1951 , as more and more of the party 's electoral pledges were realised , there occurred what is often interpreted as a ‘ weakening of commitment ’ of both party and people to ‘ socialism ’ , and a progressive exhaustion of the political impetus for social and economic change .
5 Treat with caution any QDM received which is significantly different from previous ones .
6 Twenty thousand years ago , at the end of the Pleistocene , the melting of North America 's last great ice sheet engorged what is now the Susquehanna River , which then enlarged the Chesapeake Valley .
7 There is one restaurant already opened which is quite nice .
8 King George III ( 1760–1820 ) collected what is now the King 's Library in the British Library , and Queen Mary herself had a library of nearly five thousand volumes by the end of her life .
9 Between 1168 and 1174 , Barbarossa spent what is often termed the middle period of his reign in Germany .
10 In 1757 Mr Murdoch died , John Leacock married his widowed daughter , Mrs Durban , and founded what is now Leacock & Company Lda .
11 This is a case of leaving something unsaid which is nevertheless understood .
12 Cecil chose what is generally believed to be safe stock .
13 Their detour to Fort George crossed what is how the main road from Nairn to Inverness , and they arrived some time in the late morning .
14 In reply , Soviet generals grumbled that Kutuzov 's troops on their return from the Napoleonic wars did not have to pay for forage as they crossed what is now Poland ; the Poles , they said , were showing scant gratitude for their liberation in 1945 .
15 which she did which is so bad erm I mean really , she did , about one of the first films she did , not , you know before Total Recall
16 It is , therefore , with a sense of mounting horror that one listens to Acheson sounding the knell of US policy in China in the letter which accompanied what is usually known as the China White paper , oblivious to the possibility that the bell was tolling for the same policy that was being reborn in Vietnam .
17 This afternoon I made what is perhaps my last visit to ‘ The Tip ’ .
18 This special defence does not extend to anything written or said which is not relevant to the discharge of the duty or the exercise of the right which creates the privilege .
19 ‘ You have to understand the client , ’ said which is why the firm also encourages quarterly meetings where future plans are discussed and the partner assigned to a new client takes along details of other services available which fit perceived needs .
20 Erm still friendly still relaxed which is very important part er and er tried .
21 Mr Trump , who has a penchant for naming his many buildings , hotels and casinos after himself , purchased what is now the Trump Shuttle from Eastern 's parent company , Texas Air Corp , in April for $365m .
22 She had the technique for the role — she sang up to a high F if necessary and could cope very well with the low undertones Salome has — and she had what is most important : a real erotic appeal in the voice .
23 Bayham left what is perhaps the best preserved monastic ruin in the country .
24 the end of the last straw you see , so I went in the Co-Op and I felt really , really fed up , I said I oh I said I could cry I said because I 've tried so hard I said not for lending you money I said , I 'm not meant to have any sodding luck so got a couple of bits and I really could n't get me act together and on the Tuesday dad 's gone in hospital with that fit , so I was thinking of him a lot and I thought I do n't know dad , you know I 'm sure , I 'm sure that he were n't gon na come out when he went in there , I thought they were gon na bloody find something with you boy and that would be it , so I come home here and I ai n't done no work , so I started off for work , both sitting here bloody bawling cos this house looked like shit , spoke to me sister on the phone and er I felt a bit better so I thought oh I 'd start doing the tree , so I pulled it all to bits in here , got the polish and duster out , put all the bread and everything for Alan 's sandwiches , it 'd be about oh , about half past twelve and the bloody phone went it was mum , she said Lyn do you think you can come up to the hospital with me , cos I 've got no transport and so I said what 's up then mum ?
25 So I went across and she was sitting by the fire exit behind the piano and er , I said what 's up ?
26 Since 1977 , when I first published what is still the only British book on the subject ( Modern First Editions : Their Value to Collectors ) , collectors have become more and more attracted to contemporary writers ; in this latest edition I list 281 twentieth century authors in whom there is currently the most interest , 115 of whom are alive and well and regularly producing new offerings which the hopelessly dedicated completists are obliged to add to their earlier rarities .
27 In 1981 the Flowers Commission published what is still the most comprehensive report to date on the opencast industry .
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