Example sentences of "[vb past] [Wh det] [vb past] like " in BNC.

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1 There were also pages of poems forced into some sort of rhyming structure so that they might conceivably have worked as songs , several paragraphs of references to critical works ( Barthes , especially ; Death of the Author ! shouted what looked like a headline over one entire page of notes devoted to ideas about a looseleaf novel/poem ? ?
2 To pass the heaving multitudes on the track , I raced up like a fell runner , unhappily only to find each time I successfully overtook what looked like a queue for an Andrew Lloyd Webber musical that there were further extensive crocodiles of people ahead .
3 He put one hand out , feeling for a table ; he found what felt like one , and then a long cold metal stem .
4 Seth was himself a charming drug-addicted , dope-dealing , pimping , strip-show barker who found what looked like salvation and wrote the novel that won him acclaim and rebirth .
5 Kuala Lumpur acquired at the beginning of the century one of the most spectacular stations in Asia , where building and train-shed were conceived as one architectural whole and the trains entered what seemed like a cross between an extravagant Oriental palace and a mosque .
6 In the thirtieth minute , Gary Weaving scored what looked like a perfectly good goal , only for the linesman to rule it out for offside , to everyone 's dismay .
7 First , as the whole island trembled like jelly , from way beneath us came what sounded like a giant rustling great sheets of brown wrapping-paper .
8 At the very bottom , her fingers touched what felt like a photograph .
9 But with everyone listening intently , there followed what seemed like hours of scrabbling around with my paper looking for page two .
10 By the shed he jumped as he heard what sounded like the dust-bin lid being pushed off .
11 He heard what sounded like a stifled cry of pain from a shriller voice ; then the commotion beside him resumed once more .
12 When suddenly they heard what sounded like a powerful wind from heaven , the noise of which filled the entire house in which they were sitting .
13 They heard what sounded like a blow .
14 I heard what sounded like fireworks coming from the garage and I then realised Johnathan was in there .
15 I heard what sounded like fireworks coming from the garage and I then realised Johnathan was in there .
16 Anyway Rick spent what seemed like an eternity before he got the fish near the net but when it showed for the first time it soon became apparent why it had been so stubborn , the fish was massive !
17 He did that there and he blocked what looked like to me a certain goal .
18 It was Amanda who , beaming like a Cheshire cat , wiggled her fingers at Grunte in a familiar greeting and waved what looked like an autograph book in his direction .
19 Then he selected what looked like the safest route to the window and edged his way carefully out along the chosen branches .
20 He hit what looked like a tremendous shot and the wind should have pushed it back left-to-right , but it did n't .
21 He spat what looked like bloody phlegm into his paper hanky .
22 From one of his pouches he took what looked like a package of grey plasticine .
23 ‘ After getting out of the cab , I looked round and saw what looked like a car upside down on fire .
24 They turned the corner of the house and saw what looked like an outbuilding , only rather a smart one , painted white and with a tub of nasturtiums outside the open front door .
25 As she looked up she saw what looked like a loud speaker in one corner of the room .
26 He produced what looked like a bunch of keys and very quickly had the door open but he did n't go in immediately .
27 Silently Joshua returned his stare , then made what sounded like a snort which quickly became a chuckle until finally he exploded into outright laughter .
28 When he saw Robert , he made what looked like a little , stunted bow and moved back towards the boys on the lawn .
29 Two and a half days of hard crowbar work revealed what looked like half an acre of tongue and groove floorboarding , supported on hefty joists .
30 But , says Frank , ‘ a few weeks before I got to see a specialist I passed what looked like a bucket-full of blood into the toilet .
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