Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv prt] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 right then we got on to talking about him going into the gents and what he does , he do n't shut the door and such
2 Waving to him , Mungo got on with sanding the unfinished side of the gate .
3 I got on with Cooking with Difficulty .
4 ‘ Then we got on with watching the match . ’
5 Meanwhile the staff got on with producing the magazine .
6 So off she went , while I got on with transferring my mini-weapons to my own costume .
7 ‘ I have been around too long to take anything for granted so when I saw which way the wind was blowing I just buckled down and got on with playing . ’
8 ‘ It really is time he got on with running his own business and let us run ours .
9 Executives told them to " fuck off " and got on with dreaming how DPR might one day set up " Down Under " , where various bucket shops operated .
10 Maggie got on with making the breakfast .
11 Privately , Matt Lynch thinks it is about time that the Republic got on with disposing its own toxic waste .
12 From the pasta brunch laid on by Sonning prior to our departure , through the several , most welcome pints in Royston 's Orchard Bar to the morning coffee at Cresswell and the celebratory buffet lunch provided by Burslem , we were well fed and watered and made to feel most welcome .
13 Preston read on with mounting rage and dismay .
14 ‘ It 's also time I got down to thinking positively about this show .
15 But we almost got down to saying the other day that probably need to have an action plan or a structure for the pre-meeting as well .
16 So we agreed and that was it , and I just got down to having Sam .
17 ‘ But when we got down to signing the papers I saw there was £198 charged for the fittings and £223 VAT on the original sum I had been quoted .
18 Yes the gremlins crept in at typesetting here and removed minus signs and one * .
19 Of course Elmer Rice 's play had been censored and toned down before coming to the screen but Photoplay still needed to ask whether ‘ the public really wants a true cross-section of life presented as it actually happens ’ .
20 This is reflected in Articles of Government made under the 1986 Act in the procedures laid down for dealing with the exclusion of pupils from school and with the appeals which might arise from exclusion .
21 As well as penalties laid down for breaking the contract ( perhaps no evenings out for a given period ? ) , there need to be rewards for keeping it , perhaps in the form of a family treat .
22 Pathfinders in Space obeyed all the ground rules Sydney Newman laid down for doing drama on Television .
23 This has the effect of discouraging deviation from the proper flying procedures laid down in operating manuals and State and company regulations .
24 In addition to the statutory requirements , the form and content of an audit report is governed by requirements laid down in auditing standards .
25 It must be for Parliament to decide whether its decreed procedures have in fact been followed ’ , was he referring to procedures laid down in Standing Orders or in Acts of Parliament ?
26 At the moment trading in ivory is legal as long as it complies with conditions laid down by CITES .
27 The only area where we wo n't be altogether unfettered is in selection for multi-sport events such as the Olympic Games , where there may be policy considerations laid down by overarching bodies such as the IOC or BOA .
28 But a gate was broken down in the frustration and many spectators , mostly from Cardiff , got in without paying .
29 About 30pc of visitors to last year 's Darlington show got in without paying , it was disclosed last week .
30 Is the top , I mean I broke , had to get in my own house when I locked myself out once when I 'd been in the garden and I , I just got in by leaning through the top window and opening the bottom window , so now I always lock the bottom windows , I do n't bother locking the top one I open it
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