Example sentences of "[vb past] [that] [det] were " in BNC.

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1 In 1965 J. T. Wilson of the University of Toronto proposed that these were not simple strike-slip faults , as had been previously suggested , but were an entirely new variety , which he termed a transform fault ( Fig. 2.13 ) .
2 cos he mentioned that those were liable further to start him as a
3 For example , Everett ( 1978 ) used multiple regression analysis to analyse 2,816 questionnaires concerning people 's wildlife preferences , and found that these were positively related to the number of colours and brightness of different species .
4 While these looked good in the marina , we found that these were n't big enough to maintain a firm grip while at relatively acute angles of heel , particularly when it got bumpy .
5 The moneylender dealing in small sums was also often ‘ a poor woman , who lets us have money when we needs it ’ ; the 1917 survey found that these were sometimes soldiers ' wives lending their separation allowances , bigger sums being lent by men .
6 and in our study we found that these were both increased in the H pylori positive patients with DU compared with the non-ulcer healthy controls .
7 She denied it at the time , but soon she realized that those were his inclinations .
8 It was only then I realised that these were the Visitor Centre people on their way to Ben Lawers , pockets stuffed with postcards of eagles and leaflets on natural birch forest regeneration .
9 He realised that some were small , barely six inches high , while others had sword-arms raised or banners flying .
10 I surmised that these were George 's drinking companions , men who would n't make a habit of going to funerals , but there out of friendship , respect for the dead .
11 When Protestants did accept that they enjoyed material advantages over the Catholic population , they argued that these were their just rewards for loyalty .
12 He argued that these were : a desire to secure career advancement or at least not prejudice career chances ; a willingness to push matters in order to measure his own cleverness and particularly dexterity at getting around the rules ; to experience the satisfaction which comes from having the power that goes both with high corporate status and criminally victimizing other organizations or persons ; a need to maintain his position within the peer group or family network .
13 He argued that these were the people on the front line .
14 There were , however , divisions within the Labour movement between those prepared to press for unemployment benefits and public works and those who argued that these were mere palliatives , and that shorter hours , higher pay and ultimately social ownership of industry should be the fundamental aims .
15 It argued that these were not soft options but properly applied would be tough penalties which aided the battle to reduce crime .
16 He agreed that moral development was in 3 stages , but believed that these were divided into two parts .
17 Predictably , Franco believed that these were essentially good , but impressionable , young people who had been led astray by the agents of " anti-Spain " .
18 When I consulted a textbook it seemed that these were nuchal organs , important in food detection .
19 Both he and Eadmer had written their Histories down to 1120 without mentioning these texts , and it was only from the Canterbury monks that William of Malmesbury now learnt that these were the texts quoted by Lanfranc fifty years earlier .
20 Because of the cleverness of the script , they assumed that these were in fact proper news broadcasts .
21 They seldom leave their home state of California : it just so happened that both were attending an international conference in Rome .
22 However , Bush created some confusion on Oct. 9 when he indicated in the morning that he might accept increases in income tax in return for cuts in capital gains tax , but in a meeting with Republican Senators later that day declared that both were " off the table " .
23 The TM public relations office , however , claimed that many were involved in the secondary form of TM .
24 He claimed that some were the work of Edward Prince , an artist who lived in the north of the city .
25 1984 ) showed that many were not aware of or not in receipt of home helps , day care , attendance allowance , or social work support .
26 Examination of case notes of patients officially recorded as dying of asthma showed that many were aged over 60 and cigarette smokers .
27 Mr Johnston revealed that Trading Standards officers had recently carried out a survey of motor dealers which showed that most were breaking the law by not displaying vehicle prices properly .
28 A survey of 106 health authorities undertaken by the National Association of Health Authorities in 1987 showed that most were facing severe financial pressures and taking emergency measures to meet them , such as closing wards on a temporary basis , cancelling elective operations , drawing on reserves and delaying creditor payments .
29 Out oil the compound , away from the news bulletins , those who lived and worked with the Africans often forgot that some were black and others white .
30 Donations of fire-fighting equipment and technical advice began to arrive in late October , but observers commented that these were likely to be largely of symbolic political value only .
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