Example sentences of "[vb past] [not/n't] know [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 In minutes he was dressed and looking for his signallers at the Dutch HQ , for as second in command of the Company he must warn headquarters and the platoons in their hill positions above the town , as well as contacting Sparrow Force , whom he did not know were under attack the same night .
2 What she did not know was that Moran , with his good looks and military fame , had once been king of these barn dances and now that he had neither youth nor fame would not take a lesser place .
3 What they did not know was Kylie 's principles now prevented her from even touching them .
4 What they did not know was that their legendary luck was about to run out .
5 What I did not know was that English soccer was televised in Algeria .
6 What they did not know was that in ten years time , that beautiful picture was to be blighted by Britain 's first commercial nuclear power station .
7 What startled spectator did not know was that a chiropractor on the Olympic Staff had given him a spinal adjustment immediately after the accident .
8 What they did not know was that the examination of the diamonds had finished before midnight to the complete satisfaction of Zack and his accomplices .
9 What Arrhenius did not know was that there is a large amount of X-radiation washing about in space , and to this his hypothetical spores would certainly have been vulnerable .
10 You may find a stream , a cave , a factory , a prison you did not know was there but which insists upon itself as a landmark .
11 But what the rest of the candidates did not know was that Pilger had already earmarked someone for the job — the man who had gatecrashed the capitalization-day party — Keith Sutton of the Wapping Post .
12 Empson 's criticism never looked merely talented , and it hit something you did not know was there .
13 What the ‘ teacher ’ volunteer did not know was that the whole experiment was a set-up and that the ‘ learner ’ was in fact a co-worker of Milgram 's .
14 What she did not know was that Freddie had two children by his other woman .
15 What he did not know was that the Government , by the next day , would be anxious to retreat from the formula , and that the miners ' executive , having dispersed itself from London , would give them all day in which to do so .
16 What he did not know was that Chemical had run into massive internal problems .
17 These things he barely understood , and lacking anybody to talk to , it was at lunchtime sitting before an eagle whose name he did not know was Minch that he began to see his way towards them .
18 What that smarmy jock did not know was that a cousin of Proby , who is in insurance , had insured the grandstand disguised as a car — third party fire and theft .
19 What Mickey did not know was that Mrs Moon was so concerned about the loss of her pension book that she had offered £1,000,000 to anyone who found it !
20 The only one she did not know was Inspector Lane .
21 What I did not know was that Vivien Eliot was in the audience .
22 What she did not know was that it was not so much that the work was difficult , but that there was so very much of it , and all tiring .
23 And what she did not know was that she had even more lessons to learn — and that some of them might not be pleasant .
24 But what the man did not know was that Angel One had also encompassed a darker facet in his mastery of the martial arts , namely a knowledge of ninjutsu , the deadly art of the ancient Japanese assassins from the Clan of Death — the Ninja .
25 But what she did not know was what had happened to those interests — or to him — since Simon 's death , apart from the fact that Vitor had immediately retired from racing .
26 It 's obvious from the record that I was weighted down by an incredible burden I did n't know was mine or not. ,
27 What I did n't know was how to stop .
28 What he did n't know was that the local authorities were taking a very different line .
29 ‘ What he did n't know was there was a 13ft drop on the other side .
30 What I did n't know was that a few months before we started to work together she had written a proposal to the Thai government to start a ‘ machine knitting project ’ in one of her districts .
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