Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] [num] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah because if you want to go to Southwell at the present moment you go on a bus and you got to wait two hours to get one back .
2 In Northamptonshire , the NCC is opposing Kettering District Council 's plans to build Cransley Lodge , a village planned to include 750 houses by 1997 .
3 We planned to include 10 plants from each collection in the bank , enough to offset the risk of trees dying through disease or neglect , while keeping the overall area within manageable limits .
4 At any moment I expected to see one drop with a cardiac arrest , but the sultan told us not to underestimate their power .
5 ‘ I got to know one girl at the local teacher training college , and now if she is n't available she puts me in touch with one of her friends .
6 They promised to drive two riders through twelve hoops of blazing straw .
7 As scientist he adopted a certain method of explaining things ; as philosopher he tried to go one step further , he tried to justify his scientific methodology with arguments intended to prove that the things he did not need in his explanations — objective colours , sounds , and so on — did not exist .
8 In northern Queensland , their dung heaps ( up to 1 kg each ! ) were examined and found to contain 78 species of seeds , of which 70 were viable .
9 ‘ Between 1964 and 1970 the Labour government tried to serve two masters .
10 The company tried to sack 1300 workers , including 300 union leaders , for ‘ sabotage ’ .
11 An entire production of Strauss 's ‘ Ariadne Auf Naxos ’ had to be cancelled in Rome last month when the management tried to fire seven members of the orchestra and three dancers .
12 As it flowed , it incorporated into itself masses of loose debris , mud , rubble and boulders , some of them reported to weigh fifty tons .
13 These charities were originally administered by the Church or trustees appointed by the old vestry meetings , but with the Local Government Act of 1894 , they passed into the hands of the new parish councils , or such as still existed , for in 1893 , we find the local vicar complaining that most of the charities were dead and buried , and that Thomas Towers promised to give twenty shillings each Christmas Day , very kind of him no doubt , but unfortunately he left no provision for anybody to give it after he was dead , so that in his case he and benefaction are both dead and buried .
14 He tried to put one hand out to stop himself , but the gun was still in his grip .
15 I explain that Tod Richardson tried to do two jobs at once : one , have his boys reinforce the message about the ten thousand debt , and two , have another crew search the house .
16 Her Ladyship promised to build seven cottages at the old forge at a rental of seven per cent , per annum , of the outlay .
17 It was not until March 1950 that the British ceased to rank the Middle East equally with Europe , and promised to send two divisions to the continent in the event of war .
18 But I tried to keep one thing — the foot — in focus throughout , because it seemed to be moving slowest . ’
19 The Foreign Office moved to expel 67 Iraqis and eight staff from the Iraqi embassy .
20 The hearing revealed that Raybestos proposed to dump 400 lbs .
21 He therefore tried to ride two horses , attempting to pad out Labour 's newly acquired eleventh commandment , ‘ Thou shalt not promote homosexuality ’ , with some points of principle .
22 By 1983 , the EPA had already either approved or proposed to approve 150 bubbles , with a saving to industry of $500 million .
23 Daniels proposed to add two forms to the Senior , one at the top and one at the bottom , and to take on another master .
24 We should not glamorize the overcrowded , insanitary rural cottages — scarcely adequate as holiday homes for a two-child family now — in which parents tried to raise five children , which were so strikingly condemned in Chadwick 's 1842 Report on the Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Classes ( Flinn 1965 ) .
25 Lord Owen spoke during a break in talks at Medjugorje , a Bosnian Roman Catholic pilgrimage town , as he tried to end eight days of fighting between Moslems and Croats in the city of Mostar .
26 Immacolata tried to refuse one time , pleading her figure ; but Talia , who could eat anything without putting on weight , she was so lithe and quick , tucked in to her heaped cornet , running her tongue happily round the sides to catch the melting drips of rose , green , cream .
27 This course , modified to take one day , was repeated in January for the officers in charge of Evening Duty and in March for those next in seniority in the evenings .
28 He tried to take two dogs on .
29 Though this distinction could be abused , at this precise moment it helped to clarify two sets of problems the Council would have to deal with : internal questions ( nature of the Church , worship , ecumenism , etc. ) , and external questions ( war , peace , birth control , hunger , etc . ) .
30 The Jerusalem that Richard tried to capture 700 years ago is proof of that .
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