Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 My contact with the family had lapsed for a while when the head asked to see me to request help in explaining the Statementing procedures to Mrs Singh .
2 He had heard of me from some of his colleagues and asked to see me to discuss the Labour Party 's decision in relation to the litigation it had brought , with my guidance , against the Manchester Guardian as a result of the leaks from the National Executive .
3 Herr Schikenader , the former proprietor , chanced to see me perform one evening .
4 Goodness there 's a great sort of burden off is n't it all this sort of shopping er you got to go we finished all the shop and that 's it .
5 She expected to see him gazing at Comfort with the admiration she deserved , but in fact he was looking down at Julia .
6 And Alfred P Sloan , who pioneered decentralization at General Motors in the early 1920s , lived to see it become international corporate practice by the time he published his best-selling memoirs in 1964 .
7 In making his diplomatic push , Mr Bush agreed to continue US support for Unita , which has been receiving a covert aid programme of between $40-$50m ( £25-£30m ) a year .
8 An ambulance was called but efforts made to revive her proved unsuccessful .
9 Over the summer , the Secretary of State and I met to encourage them to adopt best practices in dealings with their tenants .
10 Police and ambulancemen who rushed to Birmingham 's New Street station expected to find she had been killed .
11 Bratby was intrigued by Minton and soon after he got to know him painted a huge picture on paper , entitled ‘ Homage to John Minton ’ .
12 The dogs were surprised when I disturbed them in the middle of the night and they chased in their runs when I left again , strained to see me departing through the rain , and hear the car door opening , their bowls clanking as I threw them inside .
13 She felt as though she were suffocating in the heat , as though it were stopping her nostrils , sealing her mouth , and when she tried to breathe it forced itself down into her stomach and made her heave .
14 Rain felt distinctly uncharitable as she straightened the bed and tried to pretend they had never been there .
15 Attracted to the big ape she had n't been , but she 'd be an all-out liar if she tried to pretend she had n't enjoyed his kisses .
16 She tried to pretend she did n't know what he meant , but his bantering tone had been deceptive .
17 I 'd be a liar if I tried to pretend I knew the answer to that one .
18 They say its legally theirs , but the woman who tried to kill them claims she 's the owner .
19 David tried to see her to persuade her to change her mind , but she refused any further contact with him .
20 They tried to see she did n't feel left out but Jean is very shy and sensitive .
21 I only know because she tried to borrow mine to copy up but I 'm always behind as well .
22 Soon afterwards he left the Wang ( though Zervos tried to tempt him to stay by offering him an extra , wait for it , thirty-five cents an hour ! ) and started working days at the ice-cream parlour on Main Street which belonged , coincidentally , to Celia 's uncle ( or maybe not so coincidentally since , in a town like Adam 's Creek , population 2,200 , most people ended up being related sooner or later ) .
23 And er I mean I tried to indicate you know to him that he could claim against the company and get his premiums back , but unfortunately , there was no letter and no i indication , and the person was no longer with the company .
24 Reports such as the Newsom Report ( 1963 ) were concerned to find ways to encourage young people to aspire to better jobs and television programmes tried to encourage them to set their sights higher .
25 I have on occasion told students that they 're doing an arts subject , and tried to encourage them to think in those terms , because if they 're constantly thinking of the job at the end of it , then I do n't think they 're getting the most out of it that they can do … .
26 Changez and Jamila sat apart , and although I tried to catch them looking at each other , I can guarantee that not a single surreptitious glance was exchanged by the future bed-mates .
27 She tried to remember she had thought Robert pleasing once .
28 Unfortunately it was not a very good lute , as the assistant in the music shop to which he tried to sell it pointed out at — unnecessarily — great length .
29 She had no idea what he meant , and if she tried to answer she knew she 'd only cry .
30 actually tried to replace him have they .
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