Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] [pron] ['s] " in BNC.

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1 Amy failed to monitor someone 's blood-pressure adequately and it was only because Kathleen bothered to check that a potentially life-threatening internal haemorrhage was detected in time .
2 Virgin 's first promotional act on signing the Sex Pistols was to organise a boat trip on the River Thames in the week of the official Jubilee celebrations , to mark the release of ‘ God Save the Queen ’ ; an idea which seemed to meet everybody 's requirements by being both a revolutionary gesture and a wizard prank .
3 To see a banshee , said the Irish , meant to foresee one 's own death .
4 Even approaching his workzone was hazardous , as one had to pick one 's way through suspended diving gear and disassembled bicycles over a floor awash with chartpaper .
5 One felt that one had to do one 's best .
6 To have an accident because one neglected to do one 's job properly , well — ’ he shrugged his shoulders French-fashion ‘ — in my book that would be unforgivable . ’
7 For example , a person who early on in life formed the assumption that they had to have everybody 's approval in order to be happy , could become depressed if they did not subsequently secure the approval of someone important to them .
8 One needed a steady supply of opponents ; men as good as oneself-better if one really wished to improve one 's game .
9 Testing of children has always legitimately had separate purposes : diagnostic — to enable the teacher to calibrate their own assessment of a child 's difficulty and judge the next best line for development ; setting of tests to establish mastery of a particular piece of learning when of concept , skill or information ; and standardised to set one 's own information against some comparators .
10 In some cases Bourdieu speaks of individual strategies intended to reinforce one 's own position within the lineage .
11 it was n't possible because there was a shortage of land and that how that absolute egalitarianism had shown that how that it could n't work if they wanted to raise everybody 's level towards a middle peasant status .
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