Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] by [verb] " in BNC.

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1 What is important is that , having used their muscle to overthrow the power-sharing executive , the working-class loyalists failed to capitalize by creating an enduring political presence and more traditional loyalist leaders returned to pre-eminence in the struggle against nationalism .
2 Yet in the end it sold the site for three times the amount that the City expected to obtain by demolishing the buildings .
3 Nevertheless the memory of his stricken face was somehow disturbing and made her feel guilty — a strange and unpleasant sensation that she tried to banish by taking a final look at her patient .
4 Lacking fresh tomatoes and meat we tried to compensate by piling tomato paste into all our stews and soups and sauces .
5 Mr Mutambara tried to escape by jumping from a second-floor window , but he was caught and taken to hospital with unspecified injuries .
6 The animals were chased across a field and drowned when they tried to escape by jumping into a brook .
7 They tried to escape by speeding off but were caught .
8 Detectives are convinced 30-year-old Elizabeth battled bravely for her life and tried to escape by fleeing in her boyfriend 's four-wheel-drive truck .
9 Chiang tried to escape by running up the mountain , and a pavilion has been built to mark the place where he tried to hide in a crevice before he was caught .
10 Jean had n't long passed her driving test and I tried to help by pointing out when she should be moving up through the gears .
11 Some of these firms ( typically , ones that possessed marketing or technological knowledge that could find application in new product lines : see Chandler , 1962 ) next tried to grow by diversifying , a strategy which revealed that the U-form had weaknesses when used to administer activities in several different markets .
12 I had never been able to persuade her to accept any money for her kindness and tried to reciprocate by doing any small repairs she needed to her flat , and by supplying occasional tickets for the theatre , for the tennis at Wimbledon , and for the races at Epsom .
13 at first tried to compete by introducing its own motor bus services , but then managed to conclude a non-competing agreement with the UndergrounD Group , so a new tramway holding company was set up , in which both would hold shares .
14 If she tried to experiment by wearing a little more make-up than usual , Bernard would be furious and despatch her upstairs to wipe it all away .
15 Having failed to complete the flute music for De Jean , he had only received half the commission fee , a fact he tried to disguise by claiming that life in Mannheim was very expensive .
16 Boswell tried to rally by saying that in India there is a distinction , and Johnson put him down hard .
17 This is why the patient is no longer given a tripod or quadrupod and taught to walk by using his unaffected side and leaning heavily on his support .
18 Cuba also threatened to retaliate by disrupting channels of communication within the US , although by the end of April no such action had been reported .
19 Ukraine threatened to retaliate by closing the pipelines on its territory transporting Turkmen gas to third countries .
20 They are closestudded , built before builders started to economise by using square frames and large areas of wattle-and-daub infill .
21 Looking back , he saw that the gang were pounding his fallen friend with lumps of concrete so he decided to help by jumping into his car and driving at full speed towards them .
22 In the face of a petition such as this , backed by the signatures of 105 of Stockport 's most eminent and respected citizens , the Goldsmiths were in an awkward position , which they decided to resolve by re-reading Sir Edmond 's will , to see what the Founder himself had intended : a classical school ( teaching Greek and Latin ) , without fees or social distinctions , but depending only on a willingness to learn .
23 The union then decided to co-operate by conducting an appropriate ballot , and a consent order was issued by the High Court .
24 She intended to plead her own nervousness and her desire not to be destined for public exhibition and planned to finish by thanking him for the compliment of his request and wishing him well in finding a more practised model .
25 Taken to hospital , he managed to communicate by writing that he was deaf and dumb , that he lived in Dublin , and that he was temporarily resident in Cardiff .
26 I managed to escape by diving into the river .
27 Some managed to cross by using overloaded pontoon bridges or a range of small vessels , but these too were the objects of relentless allied air attack , as were the troops and vehicles stranded on either bank of the waterway .
28 While they were subject to important central pressures , the Area Chairmen and their Boards had considerable authority and status at the local level , which they sought to develop by rooting their Boards firmly in the local community .
29 More than sixty years after the event , while watching a child of his own try out his first steps , he suddenly stated in reminiscence and satisfaction to his most intimate Spanish friend , ‘ I remember that I learned to walk by pushing a big tin box of sweet biscuits in front of me because I knew what was inside . ’
30 W. H. Auden once said that he learned to read by taking down the Encyclopaedia Britannica from his father 's densely stocked shelves .
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