Example sentences of "[vb past] [v-ing] at a " in BNC.

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1 Southall , who admitted speeding at an earlier hearing , was fined Pounds 700 and given six penalty points .
2 Dr Neil avoided looking at a bridling McAllister , particularly when Mrs Darrell went on to say , still in the same shriek , ‘ Hope she 's honest , Neil .
3 I picked up a book , but put it down again and began looking at a tiny red spider on the leaf of a geranium , ad lost count of time .
4 They began selling at an early age , certainly before 10 years of age .
5 The samples go back over 30 000 years , and they show that after being constant for most of that time the methane concentration began to increase in 1580 ( Geophysical Research Letters , vol 9. p 1221 ) At the end of the 16th century , the methane concentration began increasing at a rate of 0.114 ppmv per century ( parts per million by volume ) and around 1915 the rate accelerated to the present figure of 2.5 ppmv per century — if the data can be taken at face value .
6 Eleanor started hinting at an affair .
7 I started lecturing at a college of higher education in 1978 but returned to research and soft money in 1980 as soon as my husband had left .
8 The jockey merry-go-round kept whirring at a fierce pace as Adrian Maguire , who rode Cool Ground to win the Gold Cup , joined the rapidly-growing casualty list at Liverpool after falling with Sibton Abbey in the Perrier Jouet Handicap Chase .
9 The dealer got more and more paranoid sitting there , noticing these two guys in the corner who kept looking at a bit of paper then at him , then having a bit of a conflab .
10 Er er do you reckon we ought to have had , you kn you know we went over to gas , I toyed with the idea of fetching that do you know , you know when this house were built we went looking at a depot where they 've got all these grates and I took th funnily enough I took the measurements of the breast and er the only one we found was just that dead on look , right across
11 I went looking at a house the other day and it backed on to a lake .
12 1982 kept going at a lightning pace .
13 Abu Khadra remembered stopping at a gas station and finding three bullet holes in his car from snipers .
14 And two women pictured chatting at a cottage door ‘ Miss Jewitt and Miss Carter , Mickley 1921 , ’ as Louisa 's typically matter-of-fact caption notes sport fanciful bonnets that ca n't have been part of their everyday dress .
15 President Mikhail Gorbachev , in his capacity as general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union ( CPSU ) , won backing at a meeting of the party central committee on Feb. 5-7 for a new draft party platform .
16 Then is sometimes claimed to be necessarily anaphoric in nature , and to have no gestural deictic usage , but rather complex usages show this is not so — consider , for example , the following said pointing at a 1962 model Chevrolet ( Nunberg , 1978 : 33 ) ) : ( 55 ) I was just a kid then As an initial step towards seeing how time deixis interacts with cultural measurements of time in an absolute or non-deictic way , consider words like today , tomorrow , yesterday .
17 The American novelist Thomas Wolfe wrote standing at a tall refrigerator — a chair and table being too cramped for the big mountain man — and he dropped unnumbered sheets , each with a few scrawled words , into a cardboard box at his feet .
18 A tall , thin man stood staring at a stone wall , as if waiting for an answer to a question he had put to it .
19 Fifteen minutes later , or it may have been twenty , I stood staring at a caged lift : the chest-flexing iron lattice , the accordion doors .
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