Example sentences of "[vb past] [v-ing] [pers pn] was " in BNC.

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1 Life in South Africa , once he started dancing , was one long rush , and his early days in London too , but when he stopped dancing he was in an unusual position .
2 A bit slow to start but when it got going it was outstanding . ’
3 She had no idea Simon had sent off her photo for the slimming contest until a letter arrived saying she was in the final .
4 A telegram arrived saying I was booked on a flight the next day , to be filmed at Pinewood Studios for the title sequences of the James Bond film ‘ A View to a Kill ’ .
5 We tend to think of these beautiful insects as being very brightly coloured but when I began experimenting I was unable to get convincing results .
6 It was best balsa wood of course , not that the Indians could know , but I duly went down poleaxed and Matt started pretending it was an accident .
7 If a bath needed moving he was only too willing ; if it was to stay where it was , no problem either .
8 I had to sleep in a tee-shirt , and when all the spots started popping I was in the worst state of my life .
9 Instead of now referring to the child as something for us to share , Sarah started saying it was hers .
10 And there was the like for the corn and that we used to what we called hammling it was done with a flail .
11 One day , one of the mares cut her leg , and as it required stitching she was separated from the other horses and shut in a stable without more ado .
12 And er , I first started feeling I was overweight when I fourteen and I was , I was twelve stone and I went to the doctor and got black capsules to take which had me as high as a kite for a long time !
13 When we started filming she was very shy but she got better as she went along and she picked up confidence .
14 Sutton thought getting them was ‘ a piece of piss ’ .
15 Judi , who was in the US interviewing Hollywood stars , said : ‘ I nearly died when this lady kept saying I was getting married . ’
16 He kept saying he was never ill . ’
17 Lawrence kept saying he was living intensely with his whole body and all that , but Walter really did .
18 But Noreen kept saying she was too young , and should be in her bed .
19 She was sure it would get Edouard and his wife into trouble , and she kept saying it was only for another day or two . ’
20 ‘ They kept saying they thought it was a fine script , and I kept saying it was n't .
21 A WOMAN who had the slimmers ' disease anorexia nervosa died thinking she was fat .
22 Sometimes I took speed — ‘ blues ’ , little blue tablets — to keep me awake , but they made me depressed , they made my testicles shrivel up and I kept thinking I was getting a heart attack .
23 Kept thinking it was twenty
24 And he kept thinking it was twenty .
25 Henna was great except you kept thinking she was going to suddenly sue you anyway .
26 It kept promising it was going to explode , and then one morning I came out of the house it was just lying there like a dinosaur hulk . ’
27 At Martin Brundle 's lunch in London I discovered that Maurice Hamilton had been the Mastermind question-setter and he reported that if I thought answering them was hard , he had found setting them a good deal harder .
28 The memory of that game brought Ginny back to Johnny Redburn : the last time Ginny remembered playing it was when he and his wife came to stay in August 1964 .
29 While I sat scribbling I was hearing
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