Example sentences of "[vb past] [vb pp] only the " in BNC.

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1 He 'd added only the four to his overnight single , then fell to Rafeill — caught Mark Taylor .
2 If she 'd had only the clerical level of interface that she was supposed to have , she 'd never have found it .
3 Numbers were small ; but a final case study approach revealed that for people who lived alone , had no informal carer who could manage all necessary care ; and had a high level of cognitive impairment , the Home Support Project was likely to prolong home care beyond that of those who had received only the usual services .
4 In Thornett & fehr v. Beers ( 1919 K.B. ) the buyers of some barrels of glue had examined only the outside .
5 The first being that he had driven such motor cars before , and the second that he had consumed only the barest minimum of champagne .
6 Much of the material confirmed what Tolonen had said only the day before .
7 Precious few people knew where she was at this present moment in time and , besides , Simone had visited only the night before .
8 Before the accidental drowning of her husband four years earlier , she and Martin had needed only the occasional companionship of friendly acquaintances to affirm their self-sufficiency .
9 She had used only the top room of the mill which she had furnished simply with a small writing table and chair facing the North Sea , a telephone and her binoculars .
10 Doc Threadneedle had used only the best scav medtech from the Thalamus Corp .
11 His own hair was combed out over his shoulders , and for make-up he had used only the faintest trace of kohl .
12 They had raised only the most discreet eyebrow at the bedraggled urchins who queued to deposit the takings from the magazine and mail-order ; at the implausible schemes for manor-house recording studios and sundry businesses of a bizarreness beyond the bank 's mannered comprehension .
13 The earlier Moghuls had ruled only the northern half or two-thirds of the sub-continent but Aurangzeb , who ruled from 1658 to 1707 , set out to conquer the south and was almost completely successful in this .
14 Dr Sasaki , who believed that the enemy had hit only the building he was in , got bandages and began to bind the wounds of those inside the hospital ; while outside , all over Hiroshima , maimed and dying citizens turned their unsteady steps toward the Red Cross Hospital to begin an invasion that was to make Dr Sasaki forget his own private nightmares for a long , long time … .
15 Edward had gained only the Agenais in 1279 and souther Sain-tongue in 1286 , although these were valuable additions to his lands , partly because of the number of new settlements or bastides previously founded in the Agenais by Alphonse de Poitiers , count of toulouse , between 1259 and his death without heirs in 1271 .
16 She was apt to confuse the past with the present , talking of events that had happened forty or fifty years ago as though they had happened only the day before .
17 He would have been lying if he had recorded only the more accessible drama of the painter 's electric quarrels with Gauguin in the Yellow House in Arles , the distant necessary brother who supplied paint and love , the severed ear delivered to the whore in the brothel , the asylum fears .
18 The Israeli government had previously said that less than 1 per cent of Soviet Jews had settled in the territories , but its count had covered only the West Bank and Gaza Strip , excluding East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights .
19 This was the first she had heard of it , for while Constance was away she had not felt able to accommodate the horrors revealed in the local rag and had read only the advertisements and the page called ‘ Eating Out ’ .
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