Example sentences of "[vb past] [vb pp] me the " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps he thought that , and he 'd given me the slip .
2 She did n't realise that she 'd given me the greatest gift of all .
3 ‘ What are you grinning at , Cambridge ? ’ he demanded — he 'd given me the nickname after some reference I made to my own past ; it was an affectionate pan of coals for my head — ‘ It 's perfectly true .
4 ‘ And , if you 'd given me the chance to finish , you would also have heard me specify ‘ for the general collection ’ .
5 It would n't have surprised me if you 'd given me the boot there and then .
6 I said ’ Oh yes ’ and I saw the and he 'd kept the collar on , and of course he 'd given me the one that tossed his head up did n't he !
7 As we 're roping up , who should arrive to tie on but the lad who 'd joined me the previous day .
8 ‘ If you 'd told me the truth about that years ago , none of this wretched business would have happened . ’
9 If he had given me the £5000 , under the rules at the time I would have had to donate 15 per cent to the British Board — totally unfair in my view as I had had to find the sponsorship myself .
10 Alex , who had given me the cigarettes , was Scottish and had been at Lille for three days ; he had deserted from the Military Police in Germany , and thought that French food was nowhere as good as Glaswegian .
11 With horror I suddenly recognized one of them — it was the man in our village pub who had given me the two pound notes ! and strangely enough , during the journey I heard the prisoners talking about it .
12 After Mr Brocklehurst had given me the book and left , I felt I had to speak .
13 He had given me the runaround in his sleep .
14 She glared at me , dug beneath her cloak and pushed a purse ( much leaner than the one she had given me the night before ) into my hand .
15 I told him that Jo had given me the cash , though I was suitably vague as to exactly how I recovered her lost property .
16 I thought Gav had given me the heave-ho for the minute .
17 Jamila had phoned me the day after Helen and I fucked in Anerley Park to tell me of her decision .
18 Matthew McIllvanney was not the real boss of Cutwater Yacht Charters ( Bahamas ) Limited , which belonged to a retired theatre owner who now lived in Bermuda and was a long-time friend of my father , a friendship that had secured me the job of skippering Wavebreaker when Masquerade was wrecked , but McIllvanney actually looked after the day-to-day running of the charter business .
19 Capron had lent me the gun , and suggested the ploy of telling Graham that I had found new evidence that would clear his name of the allegations that he was a Soviet agent .
20 And my elder brother , he had told me the same thing — ‘ Babi , you are not listening to us so we are not responsible for anything . ’
21 I had wept back in the office after Mr Charles had told me the Scharnhorst was steaming up the channel unchallenged .
22 She had told me the tunnels had now been connected up and the workmen used the subway constantly as a private short cut .
23 But I was not sure that she had told me the whole truth .
24 Dod had got me the job and we were using his van , so everything was okay by me .
25 My readings in Zen , too , had shown me the folly of love , analysed it as an illusion among all the other illusions of this floating and temporary world , an emotion that by its very nature created suffering .
26 In preparing my speech I recalled ( as the reader also may ) the occasion during my first watch in Tartar when the first lieutenant had shown me the various instruments on the bridge , and that when I asked why one had a canvas cover , he had said , ‘ Oh , that 's the Mountbatten station-keeping gear , and we keep it covered because the captain finds it quite useless . ’
27 The attacker could have been either Orlick , or the stranger who had shown me the file .
28 ‘ An my experience at Imperial had shown me the growing need in this country to find free-standing sites on the outskirts of towns , away from parking problems and inner city violence .
29 At this juncture , I realized that I had driven close to the point where the boat had landed me the previous evening .
30 On the album I make the comment that somebody had asked me the same question and I said , ‘ Yep , my left hand 's doing good , right hand 's doing alright , my mind 's as sharp as a tack .
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