Example sentences of "[vb past] [vb pp] two [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I got fined two classes [ a class was half a crown ] a week for twelve months , so it mounted up .
2 The companies involved included two car plants , six cement companies , a chemical plant , an engineering firm , a fertilizer plant , eight ghee factories and 11 roti plants .
3 And there was a memo to John from yourself , tenth of Jan , that my manager has passed to me , it said you 'd given two options that you could go in on Saturday and erm
4 She 'd caught two buses across Johannesburg and then walked the last couple of miles to come and find me . ’
5 I 'd earned two shadows , bullnecks
6 That was what Lord Weinstock did when his GEC seemed threatened two years ago .
7 Another witness , taxi driver David Harvey described how he 'd seen two cars flashing by , about three feet apart , in the opposite direction .
8 She 'd seen two men fighting in the street and seen them run past her .
9 He 'd strangled two children with his bare hands , then called the police to give himself up .
10 Because I 'd done two prison sentences they obviously expected me to go back again .
11 Well they , I had to go to Road police station , London , it was quite good , the detective took , took me around that little area and er then when I got ready to collect to take him to Liverpool Street Station , I saw him for the first time , man about sixty one and he 'd got two suitcases , one lighter than the other , and while I was signing for him and his property I said to him , you take that light one and I 'll take the bigger one with the view to getting on the bus to get to Liverpool Street st but the inspector there was very good , he said I 'm not going to oh and I said to you take the light case I 'll take the high one , he said I ca n't carry anything , I got a rupture .
12 tt They 'd got two handles which was b made it mobile , two wheels , and used it Have four sacks at the end of this threshing engine , hanging on little hooks , and and a bloke there seeing that it got filled alright and it when it was full , they used to run this thing underneath a sack , crank it up by hand , like that , till they got it to the required height , then nestle it on their shoulders , you see there was a There 's a there 's an art in carrying c In carrying coal and there 's an art in carrying corn and there 's an art in carrying beef .
13 He 'd got two fivers left , then .
14 And they got an old curtain at the back door and then that 's all you sort of go through across the corner of the kitchen and he was making a bouquet of flowers and er he was setting them all out like and then when he bought it into me it was all set out in a big thing of cellophane and it 'd got two gold strips like
15 Either that or she 'd got two woollies on .
16 Course we was feverishly trying to chip the bricks and things off the horse then how , what had happened because we 'd got two stalls for them , and there was pigs in the one side and the horse in the other one , but of course when we eventually came to it , or they eventually came to the horse , he was dead , been killed standing up there like , you know and er , poor old pigs was all dead as well and as I said , about a hundred fell and two or three would been blown sky high .
17 In fact , I was told you 'd got two nights !
18 Our housework was hard and long and laborious and erm we 'd got two children to look after and then I 'd got my brother who did n't leave home until he was thirty and er , you had n't got the time , you know , to do too many things , so er my interest was the young wives ' and it was really a as regards the erm the Guild itself , I was thrown in at the deep end when this lady who was with my mother , mother was treasurer , she was secretary , erm she used to come down for me and , I know you should n't canvass but she used to canvass and say erm you know the voting , you know , will you , will you come and vote ?
19 I 'd got two pals that tried to get rid , they did get rid eventually , yeah .
20 And so I said , saying to my wife , Well , I said er , I 've got , I 'm going to get involved in bus fares to and from office , and I 'd got two kids at that time and I said er , I do n't know when Anne said , Well no good , cos she was a good socialist and all , and says , Right , no good letting money stand in the road as it will get by .
21 He 'd bought two flats in London
22 I 'd bought two bottles of cider and I went down my friend 's house and I had two neat vodkas and two vodka-and-limes and I got drunk .
23 Imagine if he found out that the frock I claimed I 'd bought two years ago in a closing-down sale had , in fact , arrived in my wardrobe a little over two weeks ago , having been purchased from a smart department store ?
24 Robert Lowell has transcribed Eliot 's account of another such meeting in his Notebook : " You speak , " he said , when he 'd talked two hours .
25 She 'd had two helpings .
26 she loved children and I think she would of had more because she 'd had two miscarriages and she 's
27 I mean really I er it shook me because I was extremely naive , I 'd had two children but I was very very naive in those days .
28 Just before the men were shot — they 'd had two weeks inside so their beards had taken on something of the authentic rag-tag FAKINTIL glory , as opposed to the clean-shaven image they had presented in their neat malai-issue camos — one shouted out the name of Osvaldo .
29 She 'd tolerated two sessions already , and even got a bit of a kick out of them .
30 ‘ My friend , if you 'd spent two years burning up with sulphur injections , or shaking from haloperidol , you too might develop certain uncanny abilities .
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